Hey guys.
I have this custom story, where whenever the player enters a level door, I want the loading messeage to appear randomly between my 5 loading texts I have written in the .lang file. But the thing is, I have no clue how the random function works :-\ I'm thinking something like, everytime the player enters the map, there should be generated a random number, which then is attached to a certain loading screen? But will that work?
I have done something like this, but it doesn't seem to work.
void OnEnter()
int RandInt(1, 6);
if(RandInt == 1)
SetupLoadScreen("LoadingScreen", "Loading01", 1, "");
if(RandInt == 2)
SetupLoadScreen("LoadingScreen", "Loading02", 1, "");
if(RandInt == 3)
SetupLoadScreen("LoadingScreen", "Loading03", 1, "");
if(RandInt == 4)
SetupLoadScreen("LoadingScreen", "Loading04", 1, "");
if(RandInt == 5)
SetupLoadScreen("LoadingScreen", "Loading05", 1, "");
if(RandInt == 6)
SetupLoadScreen("LoadingScreen", "Loading06", 1, "");
Thanks in advance.