I wanted to give an update because I've been slowly working on new models and I'd rather release a couple of them at a time instead of a single model. (
Ya, I'm taking forever!)
A lot still need some texture clean-ups, proper DDS files and tweaks.
Tree (90% done)
Rock (100% done)
Rock Wall (99% done)
Sloped Rock (99% done)
Red Mushroom (99% done)
Hollow Log (99%)
Twin Halogen Lamp (100% Done,
but you will need to redo the light/billboard attachments because I can't make anything look good for it.)
Couple of notes...
(1) For the tree, I used a 2048x2048 texture because at 1024x1024, it looked like crap on the tree and I didn't like it at all.
I tried to use the UV space as best I could, the main body of the tree was my priority and I used as much space as I could and fitted the rest of the tree's UV in order of importance.
But even at 1024x1024 the texture didn't look good at all. I don't know if I'm missing anything, but any tips would be great.
(2) I like sculpting details in models (
Example is the WIP Hollow Log), and the normals work great. But once I apply a texture on, the normals are barely noticeable. I try flipping the normals on and off to see the change but all I can tell is just a shift of shadows.
I'm using a wood bark texture from cgtextures because I don't know how to make my own that looks realistic.
Am I doing something wrong?
(3) No ETA's on release of these models, I can never follow up with ETA's. So just know what you can come to expect, sometime in the near future.
@Venomz - I can do something like that later, add some basic fluff props for the kitchens and stuff.