Sorry for my bad English, and I'm sure you won't understand it but...
It is possible (and will take a lots of time) , but only if you set the maximum amount of letters the player can use.
In your first map, create a letter selection thingy- a long corridor with for example 3 "slots".
In the corridor display every letter using billboards, and create examin. areas around them. Then add a setentityplayerinteract callback for all of them. With variables you can make player enter his/her name by interacting with the areas. This will give you 3 variables (var1, var2, var3) with 3 values.
If you want to use the players name in a note, it's really hard to do it.You need to make a VERY long script. You have to place as many notes in the map as the amount of the player possibility names are (in this case number of letters multiplied by number of letters multiplied by number of letters), and set all of them inactive. In the lang file you need to make a note with all different possibilities ( For example "Welcome aaa", "Welcome aab"...) When the player enters the map, you need to check all your 3 variables for their amounts, and set the matching note active.
For example the player enters ABE.
This will set var1 to 1 (var1 - the first letter, 1- the 1st letter "A"), var2 to 2, var3 to 5.
In the note map, you have to check all possibilities- if var1 is 1, then what var2 be?, if var1 is 2, then what var2 be?... same with var3.
After that just use setentityactive, and you are done