(04-29-2013, 02:27 PM)Paddy Wrote: Maybe we can save the Q&A for setting, story, character and gameplay-related questions and Jens can answer these basic questions for us now:
- Will the game support custom stories?
- What are the system requirements?
- How much will the game cost?
- From where can we purchase the game once it's released?
- Will the game be voiced in other languages? If so, which ones?
- Will the game feature a commentary track?
- Will the soundtrack be available for purchase along with the game or will it come at a later date?
- Is there full gamepad support?
- Is there Oculus Rift support?
- Will there be a super_secret archive with the game files?
C'mon Jensmeister, surely you can answers these innocuous questions 
I can actually give made up answers to some of those
1 Yes it will
2 low as previous games adviced gtx8800 or above or amd equivalent
3 20 dollar
4 Steam and FG shop and retailers(download)
5 the game will be voiced in Russian for sure however the ecology expansion called Justine a vegan for pigs will be English only
6 no idea
7 it will come available for sure
8 no but you can use motionjoy to map your gamepad for those who want
9 I have no idea what that is
10 Guess so but you first have to get the password to get to the art