(05-04-2013, 05:17 PM)FurtherGames Wrote: Question One:
What is more scarier?
A) Dungeons/torture chambers.
B) Ancient tombs
C) Ancient libraries
d) Abandoned archives that go deep underground
All of them can be terrifying if you use the atmosphere right. For natural creepiness though, I would go with A or B
(05-04-2013, 05:17 PM)FurtherGames Wrote: Question Two:
What's more atmospheric?
A) Creepy background music
B) The knowledge that you are close to a monster
C) Creepy background sound effects
D) All of the above
A and C - they're capable of building suspense and are relatively easier to pull off than creating tension with monsters (mainly because the monsters aren't as scary to experienced modders)
(05-04-2013, 05:17 PM)FurtherGames Wrote: Question Three:
Pick what is better inside a custom story:
A) Jump scares
B) Less but at least two or three small jump scares
C) No jump scares AT ALL
D) Having to constantly avoid a monster
E) One or two jumpscares and hiding from monsters.
Jump scares
in context are okay. This discussion has been held on the forum a bajillion times and, from what I gather, screaming, flying, naked men are
not, I repeat,
are not okay. If you have something in context - explosion created by player causes rocks/bricks to fall from the ceiling at random intervals, for example - then it's alright.
None of the above are ideal scares because they don't build tension or suspense.
I know that's not how you wanted me to answer, but hopefully it helps~!