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Ways to promote demand of linux version
weblordpepe Offline
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Ways to promote demand of linux version

Hello guys and girls.

I use Linux primarily, however my current machine (Eee PC) runs away & hides under my bed when I mention 3D gaming. Takes hours for it to come out again.

Playing Penumbra requires my ballsy XP desktop. The thing is, even though I need to purchase the Windows version - I would very much like to voice my support for the Linux version.

I purchased the Overture Linux copy, but it's a little expensive to buy multiple copies of the one game. One idea was to purchase the Linux version & not use it, and warez & play the Windows version.

That's not quite the best idea - or is it? The Penumbra guys produce arguably one of the best games on the Linux platform & I think it's important to show demand Smile

What do you guys think?
06-21-2008, 02:10 PM
purplerhino Offline
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RE: Ways to promote demand of linux version

Umm if you like linux, then why don't you install it on the "ballsy" desktop... Undecided

weblordpepe Wrote:Hello guys and girls.

I use Linux primarily, however my current machine (Eee PC) runs away & hides under my bed when I mention 3D gaming. Takes hours for it to come out again.

Playing Penumbra requires my ballsy XP desktop. The thing is, even though I need to purchase the Windows version - I would very much like to voice my support for the Linux version.

I purchased the Overture Linux copy, but it's a little expensive to buy multiple copies of the one game. One idea was to purchase the Linux version & not use it, and warez & play the Windows version.

That's not quite the best idea - or is it? The Penumbra guys produce arguably one of the best games on the Linux platform & I think it's important to show demand Smile

What do you guys think?
06-30-2008, 03:28 AM
eliasfrost Offline
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RE: Ways to promote demand of linux version

He means a way to support Linux games I think. The more Linux games sold, the more other game developers will create game for Linux, because it might be a good market. (Not nowadays though, if you take a look overall). But I do like the idea Weblordpepe. I might buy a Linux copy because of this, and I won't lose on it, 'cause my dad started using Linux OS some time ago. Smile

[Image: indiedb_88x31.png]
06-30-2008, 05:01 AM
purplerhino Offline
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RE: Ways to promote demand of linux version

nackidno Wrote:He means a way to support Linux games I think. The more Linux games sold, the more

Well yeah, I understand that... And it's a wonderful thought, and I'm glad he wants to support Linux! I only buy Linux games. But then I, ya know, play them in Linux. Smile
07-02-2008, 12:22 AM
cloud Offline
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RE: Ways to promote demand of linux version

I have bought this (a windows dvd) and would like to be able to install it on my Gutsy unbuntu desktop.
I love the idea that they have deved it so it can be cross paltform & hope that they use a similar approach to iD.

I have Doom3, all the Quakes Neverwinternights & this (demo) working on linux and want to show support for this game dev to continue to put out a linux version Smile

BIG cheer to the guys at Fritional games! I know how hard you lot work as my son works for a games graphic company (geomerics)
07-17-2008, 09:16 PM

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