Would Amnesia or Penumbra be playable with the Oculust Rift?
For people wondering, it's a headset with screens in, so you get immersed in the game and in 3D.
Combined with that Omni-treadmill to walk around, I would s**t my pants.
Technically, the way I understand it the headset is connected with DVI or HDMI, so the game just has to output at a specific res (1280x800, 640x800 left and right), and each half acts as 3D SidebySide.
No, as it would require a rebuild of the engine. You cannot plug it into any game and have it work. The engine needs to be worked around the Rift. Read the thread here if you'd like: http://www.frictionalgames.com/forum/thr...ght=oculus