(08-04-2013, 02:30 PM)Paddy Wrote: It's not cool that someone reported JanNYuS for this thread. Not cool at all 
JanNYuS, if you want some material to add to your blog there's a sticky thread on the forum which contains everything we know about the game to date:
Feel free to use whatever you need 
Wow, thanks Paddy! That'll really help me out! ^^
(08-05-2013, 08:19 AM)Ashtoreth Wrote: (08-04-2013, 01:04 PM)JanNYuS Wrote: I don't know what you did, but I can't even delete this thread now. I've tried multiple times, checked the box on the left, and clicked ''delete thread''. Unsurprisingly, a message box comes up saying I don't have permisson to access the page because of the following reasons: Your account has either been suspended or you have been banned from accessing this resource. (there were other reasons too, which all involved me not having permission).
If that blog really offended you, you could've just requested me to delete this (which I already planned to do after seeing your message), instead of reporting me or something like that.
And that goes out to the person who reported me.
No hard feelings intended.
I might be wrong, but I think that regular members can't delete their own posts/threads; I tried to delete a reply once, and a similar message appeared indicating I did not have permission to do it. I had to request a moderator to delete the post.
So it doesn't necessarily mean that someone reported you.
Oh, well okay.
But I think as a newly, sort of, joined member of this forum, it's completely acceptable for someone like me to think that he's been reported, when the message actually says that my account has been suspended..
But thanks for letting me know
Maybe it's just my imagination, but I think I can hear something coming from behind that door.