Didn't want to create another thread for this, but for Dynamic Topology in Blender. Does anyone know how to solve this problem?
(1) This is the front face of the model, some bricks.
(2) If I sculpt a circle, I get a nice circle shaped sculpt.
(3) But if I switch to the top side of the model. Which is suppose to be chipped/broken, because the model is named "StoneBrokenWall1".
I get this really annoying stretched banding sculpt. It has a little use to giving a nice slope, but I don't want this as it makes regular sculpting impossible.
Any idea how to resolve this?
Edit: Does this have to do something with the local/global axis's? Sculpting along the X axis seems to be fine, but Y or Z don't work to well.
Edit2: Love it when inspiration hits you, had to reset the L/R/S and now the sculpting is back to normal.