(05-11-2011, 06:00 PM)Xss Wrote: Geez, and I thought France was bad.
Note to self: forget about trying to get a job in England. How is Ireland? 
Hmmm I live in France though I was brought up in the UK where in my day shorts had to be worn for many in the first two years of Grammar School and at my boarding school until the 15 year old exams had passed GCEs. As for France there is generally no uniform but that does not stop Principals bringing in rules. Near here in Rennes a school banned sexually provocative clothing for boys and girls whilst another school took a more enlightened approach to the short skirts on girls requiring that they should be of a certain very short length 12". For a while some girls complied while others wore longer skirts and trousers just to rebel.
As for the school in fact most secondary schools in the UK where shorts are banned for boys or rather not included in the required uniform list I find it total madness. It is not a Fascist Education District nor even (to use the correct terminology) a Fascist Education Authority (usually based on County Councils) but down to the Governing Body of the individual school. Sadly things take time to change and whilst 20 years ago boys of 12 would not have been seen dead in shorts now fashions have changed and schools need to get up to date.
In my opinion uniform requirements should be strictly enforced but be fair and without discrimination.
With regards to boys in skirts, I have no problem with it. It is no more cross dressing than girls wearing trousers something that would have been very much frowned upon when I was at school.
As for you people the other side of the pond. It is not so long ago when I visited one school in New England I found boys had to have very short hair (crew cut as I called it but probably now Grade 1).