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Still no SLI support?
envelope91 Offline
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Solved: 11 Years, 1 Month, 2 Weeks ago Still no SLI support?

Hello everyone!
I got some issues with playing the game smoothly.
Now, I know I'm using outdated hardware.

I'm using two NVIDIA GTX 275 cards.
Alone, they are very weak by today's standards, but i can still play most games as long as SLI works.

Together they offer about the same performance as a single GTX 580 card. (Depends a lot on the game, of course.)

Amnesia: The Dark Descent did not support SLI, and forcing it on just made FPS worse for most people, and introduced graphical glitches, even when using a Penumbra SLI profile.

As the developers stated for A Dark Descent:
"None of us have SLI so it has not been tested. I do not think it works. Perhaps we will be able to look into it later."

Later is here and the new Amnesia is released, but i see little in the way of improvement when it comes to SLI support.

True enough, i can play on low / medium and get about 40 FPS just fine.
And most people would probably suggest me to upgrade, rather then "whine on the developers" (That's not what I'm doing, by the way!)

But to be honest, shouldn't it be pretty high priority to work on SLI support, as it will allow more people to have a decent game experience?

My specs:
Intel Core i7 3.4GHz
6GB DDR3 2000MHz RAM
nVIDIA GTX 275 (With 896VRAM)
nVIDIA GTX 275 (With 896VRAM)

Running on Win7 64-bit.

Have a good day!
09-10-2013, 02:47 PM
envelope91 Offline
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Solved: 11 Years, 1 Month, 2 Weeks ago RE: Still no SLI support?

Forgot to add this:
I am unsure if this also applies to Crossfire but a qualified guess is that it does.
09-13-2013, 11:05 PM

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