First my specs:
OSX 10.6.8
Processor: 2Ghz Intel Core i7
Memory: 4GB 1333 MHz DDR3
Graphics: AMD Radeon 6490M / Intel HD Graphics 3000
As far as I know, all drivers are up to date.
Description of problem: There is a haze all over the video that changes colors constantly and flickers/flashes different colors. When I pick up the lantern, there is a sphere in the center of my vision (around the crosshair) where the image is more or less fine.
I have tried adjusting the video settings but nothing seems to correct the problem.
Attached is a screencap of the issue:
The sphere in the center looks normal, but everything around it is a color/light flickering/changing haze, The color changes as I change where I am looking.
Where should I go from here?