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Requiem: Help Stuck in level 7 (the Engine)
datorskarm Offline
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Requiem: Help Stuck in level 7 (the Engine)


I'm stuck at the end of level 7. I have gotten all keys, but the red laser beams remain on, so I cant go through portal :-(
Saw in an earlier post that beams could be turned off by going through a vent in the last "pistons room"...However the only turnable thing there, right now, for me is the wheel for the steam!!??
There is also a slide door but it cant be opened. (Not even a hand icon when moved over)

Also I can't get the "blue ball" to go more than two steps in the "path of sloped cylinders" (Have applied both handles in empty slot).
Could this fact have anything to do with not beeing able to turn off tha final lasers?

-Thanks in advance !

08-29-2008, 07:02 PM
datorskarm Offline
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RE: Requiem: Help Stuck in level 7 (the Engine)


Found the solution:

Spoiler below!


So yank the bloody levers up and down until the ball is in "the goal"
and then the laser beams are magically gone and you are all free to jump into the portal :-D

(I.e. No need to enter the vent again as stated by the very strange boardmember: "shakes", in another post, replying to "Keth" who had the same problem as I had...Wonder why people bother to post false solutions on this board!!??))

-Anyway..Good luck !

(This post was last modified: 08-29-2008, 11:48 PM by markiemrboo.)
08-29-2008, 09:10 PM
Ping5000 Offline
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RE: Requiem: Help Stuck in level 7 (the Engine)

I can't find the third wheel. I'm going insane. Help. Me. Now.
09-01-2008, 08:15 AM
shakes Offline
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RE: Requiem: Help Stuck in level 7 (the Engine)

hi there, if you haven't done it yet here it is
Spoiler below!
the first wheel is near the lasers, up (starting point) , the second is just near the mechanism where the wheels should be, and the last is on the way to the area where the pipe is broken and steams out (it is right at the first corner near the pipe)
09-01-2008, 09:38 AM

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