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Amnesia: TDD amnesia book
cheatninja Offline
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amnesia book

hello if at all possible i would like to attempt to write a book based on amnesia the dark decent. if you would like to ask any questions feel free to.
(This post was last modified: 09-24-2013, 11:20 PM by Paddy™.)
09-24-2013, 10:35 PM
Atwa Offline
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RE: amnesia book

Uh, like fan fiction?
09-24-2013, 10:47 PM
Paddy™ Offline
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RE: amnesia book

Moved to the appropriate subforum Wink
09-24-2013, 10:48 PM
cheatninja Offline
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RE: amnesia book

chapter one awakening:
I awoke on the floor in a room unfamiliar to me but yet a sense of familiarity still existed. As I continued to gain awareness I rose still unaware of how I came to be there and saw the room more clearly; in the center of the room was a bed with mahogany posts and velvet sheets. To the left of the bed was a small cabinet with a candle atop it, its wick still smoked as if it had just been extinguished. I stood to the right of the bed and saw to my own right a small round table only big enough to hold a meal for one man. On this table I saw what i believed to be the shattered remains of a bottle , guessing from the liquid that seemed to originate from it.

As i continued to search the room looking for anything that could help me find a reason for my being here I decided to search the cabinet to the left of the bed. inside the cabinet i found a journal and a pen. The journal was a leather bound item with a golden clasp. I could only hope it it had held some thought of my having awakened here. In the journal there was only one note which read " Dear Daniel(which i could only believe would be my name since it had a feeling of such familiarity with it) if you are reading this that means you have drank the amnesia potion,( ah the shattered bottle) I hope the name of Alexander of Brennanberg still instills the feeling of bitter anger in you ( which it strangely did) or else this will sound horrible , i need you to find him and kill him".
Though unsure of the reason i must kill a man i did not know i place the book and pen on the bed and grabbed a black leather trench coat and a courier bag. Then i flung the coat onto myself and slung the courier bag across my chest . i then placed the journal and the pen in the right coat pocket and the pen along with it. with no other choice and a feeling of burning curiosity I opened the door and walked into the darkeness.

honestly if it turns out good i would like to get it published or at least published at school
(This post was last modified: 09-24-2013, 11:09 PM by cheatninja.)
09-24-2013, 11:08 PM
TheWalshinator Offline
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RE: amnesia book

You would have to get permission from the guys at Frictional Games to publish it, because of copyright and stuff. But nonetheless, from one writer to another, I wish you all the best Big Grin

You will see me, and weep in cold fear...
09-25-2013, 07:37 AM
cheatninja Offline
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RE: amnesia book

Chapter 2 almost done and our friend has already shown his face
10-18-2013, 05:23 AM

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