Just went out of the theater and found it to be very good. Had me on the edge of my set at moments. It is not "oh my god, best thing ever" amazing, but probably the best movie I`ve seen this summer. If you want to watch it, try to see it at an IMAX if you can. Totally worth the good sound and the 3D.
Visually it is stunningly well done and the actors performance was solid. Also it had very good pacing and was able to capture the mood of being isolated in space quite well.
my favorite scene was
Spoiler below!
when the ISS got hit by the debris cloud. It just felt massive. No sound, but the 3D and the giant thing rotating and getting closer as it is torn apart probably now made it one of my favorite action scenes.
God I was hoping someone was going to post a thread on this sooner or later.
The sound, music, visuals, acting were all amazing, really up there on favorites of this year so far. Also, I strongly recommend seeing this in 3D (yes, 3D's usually a scam, but I personally feel it wouldn't have felt the same seeing it on DVD.)
Spoiler below!
My favorite scene has to be the first 20 or so minutes, the way the camera held the shot for a whole 20 minutes is absolutely astounding, great cinematography really. And then, as David said, the debris cloud striking. Wow. One of my favorite scenes of the year, would watch again.
Also: (spoiler in spoiler tag just in case) Anyone know instantly that the Indian guy was gonna die? I mean, c'mon, he's the one character the camera hasn't pulled in on who's playing around in the background. Still, seeing him go limp in the midst of the debris storm then being swung around lifelessly was probably one of the most upsetting parts of the film for me. There's something about the image of a astronaut floating lifelessly that gets to me. Also, the shot of him later (2spooky).
The hallucination scene was also very well done, another highlight of the film.[/i]
haha, yeah, in retrospective, It did have its flaws. ^^ I don`t miss my money though. I have the feeling it will loose a lot of its effect if watched at home (had the same feeling with Pacific Rim).