Hey guys! this is my first thread on the forums!
Anyways, I'm making a custom story in Amnesia: The Dark Decent, and i need some one to make me a custom monster with animations, hunt and chase music (doesn't have to be custom). Here's what I'm looking for...
I need a prison warden/guard type of monster. I want it to look sorta similar to the brute, but not too similar. I want it to have one of it's arms holding a huge mace and attack with it. I want it to have a face with a knife in one of its eyes (nothing really specific with the face, just make it look scary

). I'd like Skin boiled like it's been burned, with dark, blue, but realistic looking color. Also you can (instead of a mace) give it a spinning blade of sorts (optional, but not both). I want it to have a ripped up, bloody bullet proof vest and other damaged and ripped up, heavy duty clothing.
Whoever makes me one i like will be credited in the CS, and given a giant cookie