So i've been trying to convert the A Machine for Pigs Lantern into a Full Conversion for TDD and i've ran into quiet a few problems trying to do that.
I've tried using
this tutorial on how to do said thing and i've done it like followed because there seemed to be a problem with doing it like the tutorial explained:
I copied over both lantern and hand model to my FC (redist/FC/models/...) and also the entitie (redist/FC/entities/item/lantern/...). then i have startet the game dev_user and it only seemed to work partly.
The problem is that both the halo light and the spotlight from the lantern don't seem to work correctly. It just looks like the light is coming from the player rather from the lantern. Also lantern spotlight and halo light do not seem to be attached to the lantern as they are not affected by the lantern swing physics. A last thing to note is that the lantern had another flicking light attached to it, but it was flicking all the time so i looked into the lantern.ho file and found some functions that i was not familiar with.
MinTimeBetweenFailures = "10"
MaxTimeBetweenFailures = "10"
ChanceOfFlickerFailure = "1.0"
MinTimeInFailureFlickering = "120"
MaxTimeInFailureFlickering = "150"
ChanceOfDeadFailure = "0"
MinTimeInFailureDead = "5"
MaxTimeInFailureDead = "15"
ChanceFlickerComesAfterDeadFailure = "0.3"
ChanceDeadComesAfterFlickerFailure = "0.3"
Maybe this has to do with the engine that got a bit updated but i'm now stuck on what to do. Hope you guys can help me fix it.
If you don't draw first, you don't get to draw at all... -The False Shepherd