My Penumbra BP crashes durring loading to another level.
No reinstall or applying patch helps.
I'm in the room with the substance XX or something like that. Generally it's a green glowing crystal. I pick it and put into the cointainer. I turn the valve so I can escape from the room. I pass the security door and after running through some concrete blocks and pipes I enter room with a door to the left and corridor to the right. The only way to survive is to enter the door to the left but.... the game crashes.
My solution is like this. I'd be pleased to have an autosave from behind this damn door. It should help.
Maybe someone have some other solution?
Can anybody help me? And give me this single save?
If you do please reply to this post.
Well, as I had written at the begining I had applied this path. It didn't help. But beeng stupid I applied it again and know what? It didn't help me either.