Why not criticising a bit creators of Penumbra?

It sure is amazing game, but there are always things that could be done better. Lets talk about it here. And since there isnt a place for both Black plague and Overture... Lets talk about both here.
What I didnt liked in penumbra?
-Overture... I played it only a bit but I dont like the idea of possibility of killing monsters by hamer, and so on.
-All of penumbra parts... Why you never meet anyone, in person? You only hear people. Is it jut for game to seem scarier, or programists werent good enough to make NPCs? No offence towards people that created penumbra, but... It kinda sucks, you know... I was so hoping to meet Red in Requiem... And really, you were able to make models of humans (Howard, Anabel, other random corpses), you were able to create infected ones... So werent you able to create npcs at all? Or as I said, its all for game to seem scarier?
-Storyline. I love it, I love Red, Anabel, Eloff, Howard, and anyone, really... But with Philip losing his sanity... With ending of requiem, especially alternate ending... I really wonder if YOU guys know whats going on. I wonder if you guys know all about Tom Redwood... Sometimes I think that even though you created him, you didn't really thought of every aspect of his personality etc.
-The bug with standing on item, holding it and jumping- that lets you fly. That should be predicted...
Well, for now, thats all I can think of. I hope my thoughts will help you a tiny bit with new games you will be making.