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Installing Custom Stories and Mods in the Mac OS X version of Amnesia
jens Offline
Frictional Games

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Solved: 9 Years, 2 Weeks ago Installing Custom Stories and Mods in the Mac OS X version of Amnesia

Depending on the version of Amnesia you purchased Custom Stories and Mods will need to be installed in different places. Currently there are two primary locations to install mods, in the Application Support folder or inside the game bundle itself.

In your Application Support Folder

NOTE This currently ONLY works for the Mac App Store release of Amnesia.
This is the preferred location as it ensures a clean separation from custom content and original content for total conversion mods.

  1. Run Amnesia so the launcher starts up. Do not start the game yet.
  2. Click the "Open Custom Stories" button.
  3. A new finder window will open to a folder with the path:
    • ~/Library/Application Support/Frictional Games/Amnesia/local_resources/custom_stories
  4. Drop your custom stories in this folder such that the custom_story_settings.cfg is directly inside a single folder named after the store within. e.g. custom_stories/LaCaza/custom_story_settings.cfg
  5. Switching to the parent folder will provide the primary "local_resources" folder. This can mirror the structure in the main game folder and these folders will be checked FIRST for resources. For example, local_resources/textures will be checked before Amnesia.app/Contents/Resources/textures
NOTE while you can install custom stories and TCs inside the game bundle with the App Store release it is highly advised not to, as any update to the game will completely erase ALL custom files installed inside of the game bundle. (Restriction imposed by Apple)

If you happen to have custom_stores installed in the game bundle, BOTH folders will be opened by the Open Custom Stories button in the launcher.

This setup has been tested with LaCaza, Through the Portal, and White Night TC with the Mac App store release of Amnesia.

Inside the game bundle

This is the old method used in all releases prior to the Mac App Store release. Custom content is stored within the application system install. To easily get to the game content.

  1. Run Amnesia so the launcher starts up. Do not start the game yet.
  2. Click the "Open Custom Stories" button.
  3. A new finder window will open to a folder with the path:
    • Amnesia.app/Contents/Resources/custom_stories
  4. This is the folder for custom stories.
  5. Switching to the parent will provide the place for installing total conversion mods.
NOTE You most likely will be asked to enter and password for an admin users to copy filed into these folders.
(This post was last modified: 01-10-2014, 02:39 PM by jens.)
01-10-2014, 02:39 PM
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