Seems like scripting doesn't like me even from the early stages.
Onto my problem. I'm following Russ Money's tutorial on creating a memento/quest (, yet even though I follow it to the best of my abilities, my memento still won't show.
I get the notification that I've received a memento, however, when I open my journal to look, I don't see text. However there is a hyphen right before where the text should be.
I'm sure this is going to be the easiest fix in the world, but because scripting has a lot of variables, I get confused very easily, and very fast. My need for everything to be organized doesn't help either, so I refuse to move on until this problem is solved.
My script can be reviewed in the following spoilers.
And yes, the script box in my map is named searchHomeQuest_area.
I'm sure I probably seem like the biggest noob in the world, not even able to figure out a memento, but like I said, lots of functions, confused easily.