Hi there! I am creating a custom story and im searching for people to work with and i thought i could look here! I need the voice of a girl, who is able to read smoothly adding a lot of feelings to it. With that i mean that i want you to read with feeling, so dont take this wrong. Is someone here on the forum able to do that for me? Free? That would be good

One of the Diarys has this text:
To the one who find this letter, be sorry about you being here... This is not the Happy place it once was. I remember when i was playing with Jane here as children, when the paths not were blocked and the house were full of pictures and happy voices. I dont like being the one who got this house after grandma, Jane could have taken it if... if she was alive. It was all my fault. Anyway, you probably came here because you drove wrong. You are free to sleep in here, but leave as quick as possible. This is no place for resting... I leave to you my lantern and the key for the study if you wish to find something to read or just relax, the Study is the harmony of this house. I'll be back in a week. Greetings from Sarah.