(03-15-2014, 06:36 PM)stenclowskimat Wrote: (03-15-2014, 06:33 PM)Red Wrote: (03-15-2014, 06:18 PM)stenclowskimat Wrote: (03-15-2014, 06:04 PM)Red Wrote: (03-15-2014, 05:40 PM)stenclowskimat Wrote: I have GMOD 13 with Godzilla ragdoll addon.
I searched for Godzilla model for internet but,i needed to pay for every like 293$
So i used Crafty to open Godzilla.mdl from the GMOD addon.
I exported it as obj.I used vtf2tga to convert the vtf to textures.I opened maya,Imported the Obj file,Added Materials and Exported as .dae using ColladaExporter plugin.Last,i opened model editor(amnesia) and i imported an mesh.I added materials to it,saved as .ent and done!
You better give the modeller credit for this, if you get this finished, and
by the way, It's pretty wierd to have Godzilla on Penumbra universe in my opinion.
Yea i know xD but did u seen main website of apocalypse? You will meet 2 millitary units : "K.A.E" And "R.A.T.W" Is it also wierd? 
Yeah, you're really mixing radical ideas together, not that it's bad thing per se, you can always do the implementing well, so the story ends up well. But for notice, do not rip off models which you're not allowed to use, you can in the worst case break the copyright law, i believe you already knew that.
I already know that.if u used too many models and i did not know that they was only for permission,gonna cancel mod and start creating "Amnesia : A Late Time In The Night" which will contain tons of AAMFP Assets.
First of all... you should commit to your projects unless there's a serious reason for you to abandon them.
Second, if you're going to start a different custom story/full conversion, I seriously hope you're going to put some SERIOUS effort into mapping.
This isn't coming from a bad place, but it might come off as mean, so I'd like to apologize in advance, but despite being advised to work on your maps by pretty much everybody who commented here, they haven't improved at all. Nobody will take your mod's seriously if your maps look like they do. So it's in your best interest and the best interest of your future custom stories/full conversions, that you put mapping first and scripting LAST.
There really isn't such a thing as "I'm a first time mapper, so I suck at this". It's no excuse to produce a map that has walls and floors and doors and ceilings and has 3 entities, no lights, particles, or decals. I worked on my first map for weeks, and weeks, doing nothing but putting entities down, changing entities, adding light, taking away light, adding decals, adding sounds, music, particles. It took me over two months to really finish my first map where I was happy with it, and the community seemed happy as well, but still weren't without their own suggestions. I'm STILL working on my first map.
Bottom line is, stop focusing on your scripting and model converting/editing so much and focus on your maps first. People will judge your project based on what they see, rather than what they can do. If they don't like what they see, they don't care what they can do.