Radical Batz
Posting Freak
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Joined: Dec 2013
Intro doesn't work or unexpected reason
So what I want it! I want an intro to begin when starting my custom story.
everything is black and you can hear yourself talking and then when the speech ends, then you begin in a dungeon cell.
But the intro is not working for unexpected reason. this is what I did with the hps file
void OnStart()
AddEntityCollideCallback("JumpscareDoor", "AreaJumpscare", "SanityDec", true, 1);
AddEntityCollideCallback("Handle", "AreaConnect", "AttachLever", true, 1);
AddEntityCollideCallback("Player", "teleport", "changemap", true , 1);
AddEntityCollideCallback("Player", "AreaDoor", "EventDoor", true, 1);
AddEntityCollideCallback("Player", "AreaMemento", "EventQuest", true, 1);
AddEntityCollideCallback("Player", "entercastle", "Entercastle", true, 1);
GiveItemFromFile("tinderbox_"+1, "tinderbox.ent");
GiveItemFromFile("tinderbox_"+1, "tinderbox.ent");
GiveItemFromFile("tinderbox_"+1, "tinderbox.ent");
void VoicesIntro1(string &in asTimer)
AddEffectVoice("intro_1.ogg", "", "Voice", "intro1", false, "", 0, 0);
AddEffectVoice("intro_2.ogg", "", "Voice", "intro2", false, "", 0, 0);
AddEffectVoice("intro_3.ogg", "", "Voice", "intro3", false, "", 0, 0);
AddEffectVoice("intro_4.ogg", "", "Voice", "intro4", false, "", 0, 0);
AddTimer("logoin", 80, "LogoIn");
AddTimer("logoinroses", 81.5, "LogoInRoses");
AddTimer("logoout", 86, "LogoOut");
AddTimer("teleportrealstart", 91, "TeleportRealStart");
void wakeUp()
FadeOut(0); // Instantly fades the screen out. (Good for starting the game)
FadeIn(10); // Amount of seconds the fade in takes
FadeImageTrailTo(2, 2);
PlayGuiSound("react_pant3.ogg", 1);
FadeSepiaColorTo(0, 2);
FadePlayerRollTo(50, 220, 220); // "Tilts" the players head
FadeRadialBlurTo(0.5, 2);
SetPlayerCrouching(true); // Simulates being on the ground
AddEntityCollideCallback("Player", "AreaCollide", "EventCollide", true, 1);
AddTimer("trig1", 11.0f, "beginStory"); // Change '11.0f' to however long you want the 'unconciousness' to last
void beginStory(string &in asTimer)
FadePlayerRollTo(0, 33, 33); // Change all settings to defaults
FadeRadialBlurTo(0.0, 1);
FadeSepiaColorTo(0, 4);
GiveSanityDamage(80, false);
GivePlayerDamage(30 , "" , false, false);
PlaySoundAtEntity("sigh", "react_sigh.snt", "Player", 1.0 / 1, false);
AddUseItemCallback("", "HollowNeed", "CellDoor", "UseHollowNeedOnDoor", true);
PlaySoundAtEntity("sigh", "react_sigh.snt", "Player", 1.0 / 1.5f, false);
void UseHollowNeedOnDoor(string &in asItem, string &in asEntity)
SetSwingDoorLocked("CellDoor", false, true);
PlaySoundAtEntity("", "unlock_door.ogg", asEntity, 0, false);
CompleteQuest("area", "enterarea");
void EventCollide(string &in asParent, string &in asChild, int alState)
SetEntityActive("CellGuardGrunt", true);
AddEnemyPatrolNode("CellGuardGrunt", "Node_1",0.001f, "");
AddEnemyPatrolNode("CellGuardGrunt", "Node_4",0.001f, "");
AddEnemyPatrolNode("CellGuardGrunt", "Node_6",0.001f, "");
AddEnemyPatrolNode("CellGuardGrunt", "Node_10",0.001f, "");
AddEnemyPatrolNode("CellGuardGrunt", "Node_15",0.001f, "");
AddEnemyPatrolNode("CellGuardGrunt", "Node_18",0.001f, "");
void AttachLever(string &in asParent, string &in asChild, int alState)
SetEntityActive("Lever", true);
SetEntityActive(asParent, false);
PlayGuiSound("04_place_wood.ogg", 1);
SetEntityActive("Mount", false);
void UnlockDoor(string &in asEntity, int LeverState)
if(LeverState == 1)
SetSwingDoorLocked("Open", false, true);
SetPropStaticPhysics("Open", false);
SetEntityActive("Message", false);
PlaySoundAtEntity("", "unlock_door.ogg", "Open", 0, false);
SetLeverStuckState(asEntity, LeverState, false);
void SanityDec(string &in asParent, string &in asChild, int alState)
PlayGuiSound("react_scare1.ogg", 1);
GiveSanityDamage(15, true);
void int01(string &in asEntity)
SetMessage("Messages", "Message", 5);
void changemap(string &in asParent, string &in asChild, int alState)
StopMusic(3.0, 0);
ChangeMap("Lifeless_The Abandon2","PlayerStartArea_1","","");
void EventDoor(string &in asParent, string &in asChild, int alState)
SetSwingDoorClosed("Door", false, false);
SetSwingDoorDisableAutoClose("Door", true);
PlaySoundAtEntity("creak", "joint_door_move_special.snt", "Door", 1, false);
PlaySoundAtEntity("Wind", "general_wind_whirl", "Player", 2, false);
PlaySoundAtEntity("scare", "react_scare.snt", "Player", 0.75f, false);
PlaySoundAtEntity("SoundBong", "scare_tingeling.snt", "Player", 0.0f, false);
PlayMusic("18_amb.ogg", true, 1.0f, 0, 0, true);
CreateParticleSystemAtEntity("PSDoor_3", "ps_dust_push.ps", "Door", false);
CreateParticleSystemAtEntity("PSDoor_4", "ps_dust_push.ps", "Door", false);
GiveSanityDamage(10, true);
AddTimer("", 2, "TimerStopSound");
AddTimer("Door", 0, "TimerMoveDoor");
void TimerMoveDoor(string &in asTimer)
if(GetLocalVarInt("VarDoor") == 50) return;
AddLocalVarInt("VarDoor", 1);
AddTimer(asTimer, 0.03, "TimerMoveDoor");
AddPropForce(asTimer, 70, 0, 0, "world");
void TimerStopSound(string &in asTimer)
StopSound("creak", 0.4);
void PickUpLantern(string &in asEntity, string &in type)
AddQuest("lantern", "pickuplantern");
void EventQuest(string &in asParent, string &in asChild, int alState)
AddQuest("area", "enterarea");
void OnLeave()
SetupLoadScreen("LoadingScreen", "LoadScreen1", 0, "LoadScreen1_1.jpg");
and the lang file, <CATEGORY Name="Voice">
<Entry Name="intro1">Hello, my name is john and I'm a journalist.</Entry>
<Entry Name="intro2">I love collecting pictures of all kinds of castles. Modern, Old and Big.</Entry>
<Entry Name="intro3">One day I heard about this strange castle which was located in the western side of the woods, when I went there a strange figuire appeared, wacking me in the head. I fainted</Entry>
<Entry Name="intro4">That's when I found myself in a dungeon cell. I felt like I've been here before, I gotta get out, and that's when my journay begins.</Entry>
soc an anybody tell em why the intro isn't working?
03-03-2014, 11:43 AM |
Not Tech Support ;-)
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RE: Intro doesn't work or unexpected reason
Uhmm... WHAT DOES happen when you run the code?
Like, do you hear the voices? Do you wake up? What actually happens at the beginning?
Discord: Romulator#0001
![[Image: 3f6f01a904.png]](https://puu.sh/zOxJg/3f6f01a904.png)
03-03-2014, 11:54 AM |
Radical Batz
Posting Freak
Posts: 953
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Joined: Dec 2013
RE: Intro doesn't work or unexpected reason
It doesn't get an error, It just starts the custom story of me waking up in a cell, no voices, no subtitles but the tinderboxes does appear. and it doesn't begin black screen. but the intro did not play! I want the intro to play then after wake up in a cell
(This post was last modified: 03-03-2014, 11:56 AM by Radical Batz.)
03-03-2014, 11:55 AM |
Posts: 64
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Joined: Feb 2014
RE: Intro doesn't work or unexpected reason
BTW You spelled journey wrong
Anyways, It might be lack of }'s but i can't find any solutions where it wouldn't crash.
Sound files might be wonky
It could be this
Because it's connected to the OnStart
2 Mappers are definitely better than one.
(This post was last modified: 03-04-2014, 03:11 AM by Deadon.)
03-04-2014, 03:11 AM |
Not Tech Support ;-)
Posts: 3,628
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Joined: Jan 2013
RE: Intro doesn't work or unexpected reason
As far as I know, you haven't added your VoicesIntro timer at all in the whole OnStart() area, just the wakeup(); part, which the game should skip to straight away.
I would also remove those four timers at the end of the VoicesIntro sub, because as far as I can tell, they don't exactly have a purpose, at least, not in the code.
Discord: Romulator#0001
![[Image: 3f6f01a904.png]](https://puu.sh/zOxJg/3f6f01a904.png)
03-04-2014, 07:03 AM |