So, yesterday my computer got malware and I spent some time yesterday and today running MalwareBytes to remove the infection. After some time I finally eradicated the damn thing(s).
Whole thing started while using my used-to-trust Youtube audio converter; Flvto Youtube Converter, and then I saw something was wrong, so I did everything in my power to hold it, and remove it... which was successful.
Do you guys know any good Youtube Conversion (audio preferred) softwares that won't give my computer another disease?
(05-02-2014, 12:05 AM)Macgyverthehero Wrote: So, yesterday my computer got malware and I spent some time yesterday and today running MalwareBytes to remove the infection. After some time I finally eradicated the damn thing(s).
Whole thing started while using my used-to-trust Youtube audio converter; Flvto Youtube Converter, and then I saw something was wrong, so I did everything in my power to hold it, and remove it... which was successful.
Do you guys know any good Youtube Conversion (audio preferred) softwares that won't give my computer another disease?
first/second online converter on google, my baby is still fine.
(This post was last modified: 05-02-2014, 06:37 AM by Focalize.)
(05-02-2014, 12:05 AM)Macgyverthehero Wrote: So, yesterday my computer got malware and I spent some time yesterday and today running MalwareBytes to remove the infection. After some time I finally eradicated the damn thing(s).
Whole thing started while using my used-to-trust Youtube audio converter; Flvto Youtube Converter, and then I saw something was wrong, so I did everything in my power to hold it, and remove it... which was successful.
Do you guys know any good Youtube Conversion (audio preferred) softwares that won't give my computer another disease?
It's fucking sad when games like these are considered worthy to be sold on Steam for $9.99 as long as the devs acknowledge that the game is pure and utter shite.