Posting this comment from my Linux Fedora distribution I installed today. It's pretty sweet as a light-weight OS. No drivers required, Wifi, touchpad, graphics all here already. 1.3 GB download. It's not a very extensive OS by any means. It feel pretty simple but I like it. Would be good for browsing the web and do whatever else people do on Linux OSes.
Hey guys. I'm considering starting a Gaming Channel and I need some help. It's just that I'm like really shy and I'm afraid of commenting wrong.
Like I'm not sure to put vocal commentaries or not, and if I do will I like it or not? And do I do it right or what you know?
It's just weird to me. I need some stuff to help. I have Audacity to record the vocal commentaries, I have LoiLo Game Recorder to record the games and I have After Effects for editing. I'm just really shy.
In an audio commentary, you're actually quite free to talk about whatever you want because you either talk to the game, talk about the game, or talk to yourself. If its a problem with the way you sound, don't feel bad about that. I can't stand some voices I hear on the internet, but I don't mind.
Vocal Commentary is something which sorta grows on viewers, so they can begin to relate to the person who is talking, whether they can see them on a facecam or not.
It always, ALWAYS starts out slow though. After a few videos, you'll easily get a confidence boost in both your audio and game play.
If you need to talk to someone about this, I would recommend either Iipee or Mudbill. Both Iipee and Mudbill have experience with YouTube and feature voiceovers in their videos.
You can also more than likely talk to some of the voice actresses here for voice help, control and management when applying to videos
When you start off with vocal commentary it WILL be weird if you're not used to it. Nothing else that helps but experience. Keep doing it and you'll probably realize how odd things were to begin with, but that you've also become more comfortable with your own way of speaking.
In some of my earlier videos I sounded pretty.. well, stupid I'd say. Granted I didn't have a proper microphone at the time, so I had to do some odd tweaks to remove the echo, and so I ended up sounding pretty weak and high pitched in my voice. But that was my way of starting off. Just don't let that stop you. Keep doing what you're doing and you'll do better over time.
Uh first one is contamination. My house is like always noisy, sometimes my dad would tell me to be quiet or to do something. How do I avoid contamination so only my voice is heard?
Second, when do you guys think a facecam should appear? A bit late or in the middle?
"Veni, vidi, vici." "I came, I saw, I conquered."
(This post was last modified: 02-21-2015, 05:20 PM by PutraenusAlivius.)
You don't need a facecam at all if you don't want to. Just think about whether it adds to the video. If it's about horror games that allow for funny reactions, it can be useful. It isn't strictly necessary though.
As for the sound, I would try to keep as little noise as possible. If you get a good microphone and put the gain down to <5%, then speaking close to it will eliminate most noise.