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Fandom Gruff ┬─┬ノ( º _ ºノ) UNFLIPPED THREAD
Froge Offline
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RE: Blandom Snuff

I'm not sure why I took this job. It's the summer between high school and college for me. I just want to earn a bit of money, to, y'know, help with paying for tuition and stuff. But with the economy in the state that it's in right now, I thought that any job could do. I applied everywhere: fast food chains, grocery stores, etc. the type of places that usually hire high school graduates (and now even college graduates, it would seem).

Finally I received a response from a weird place that I'd never even heard of before. Like, seriously, I don't even remember applying to this place, though I might have anyways since I was spamming my resume everywhere. I received a letter from an employer saying that I was offered the position of security guard for their store at night hours. My pay would be $120 a week, which, at that time, I thought was a pretty nice deal (now that I look back on it, though, it's actually shit - like $4 an hour or something). I found it strange that I got the job without an interview, but me being eager for work, I immediately wrote back to the employer to accept the offer.

I arrived at 12 AM to begin the night shift. The guy that ran the store was there waiting for me. He showed me to a small room where I could check all the security cameras. There were switches nearby which I could press to control the doors and some lights. Cheery posters with messages like "CELEBRATE!" were pasted all over the wall in front of me. There was also a fan on the table to help keep the room cool. All in all, it seemed a very simple and relaxing job, though for some reason my employer didn't think so. He mentioned to me, briefly, that it was important to stay in my room and to never head out. He also said something about how the previous guy got fired for "tampering with the animatronics," which I should never do. I told him that I would do the job well. Still, he had a concerned look on his face and said "good luck" to me before he left.

For a while, the job appeared as boring and uneventful as I had expected. Seriously, what are the chances that something exciting would happen - like an actual break-in and robbery - at a job like this? As far as I know, this place was in a safe neighbourhood, too. I checked the security cameras every once in a while, but for the most part I just played on my phone.

Then all of a sudden I noticed that something was wrong. I looked at Cam 1A which observed a room full of stuffed animals and I saw that one of them was missing! I think it was the purple bunny. This startled me, but I was actually more excited than anything. A break in? On my very first night? That was definitely much more activity than I had anticipated. I checked all the other cameras to try and detect the culprit, but I couldn't find anything. At that point I sort of laughed at myself. I realized the ridiculousness of what I had just imagined: someone broke into this store just to steal an animatronic bunny?

Another couple of hours passed when I heard a distinct metallic shuffling sound. I checked the cameras again and was stunned when I saw the bunny that had just disappeared earlier in a room very close to mine. It was just standing there, motionless. No one else appeared to be nearby (or at least no one that I could see - the camera angles were a bit awkward and had blind spots, I believe). I sort of wanted to step out of my room and put the bunny back in the storage room, but a strange feeling prevented me from doing so. I didn't want to admit it at the time, but I guess I was sort of...scared? I reasoned that it was late at night, that I should've slept more during the day, that maybe I was just seeing things - perhaps the bunny had always been in that room.

But no, I wasn't imagining it at all. To my horror, when I turned back to the cameras, another one of the animatronics was missing from the storage room! It was a bird this time. I looked at every room and saw that the bird (assuming it's the same one) was now in the dining room area. Just like the bunny, it was standing motionless, but at an awkward angle, as if it was paused in mid-step and just slightly glancing at the camera. This one also had a much creepier look on its face, and now that I think about it, how was a mascot like this appropriate for children?

I didn't want to risk anything. I shut the doors leading into my room and waited the night out. When it came to 6 AM, I suddenly felt relieved. It was the end of my shift. I grabbed my stuff and promptly left the place.
Today I feel very weary and tired. I'm trying to rationalize the things that I had seen last night as just being part of my imagination. I got a little bit of sleep in the morning, but it wasn't enough. To be perfectly honest, I dread returning to that place. I don't believe in anything paranormal, but I just don't want to go back there tonight. Yeah, I know the pay sucks, but I haven't gotten a response from any of the other dozens of jobs that I've applied to. Also, my employer said he'd give me my pay check only after I completed five nights of work.

TL;DR I took a job as a night security guard and it's fucking scary. What should I do?

[Image: p229xcq]
08-28-2014, 06:28 PM
Neelke Offline
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RE: Blandom Snuff

Dat Five Nights at Freedy's reference XD

08-28-2014, 07:17 PM
Newsman Waterpaper Offline
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RE: Blandom Snuff

(08-28-2014, 06:28 PM)Froge Wrote: TL;DR I took a job as a night security guard and it's fucking scary. What should I do?
Stay there for a week and at the end of week fuck'em up!

(08-28-2014, 07:17 PM)Neelke Wrote: Dat Five Nights at Freedy's reference XD
WTF dude!!!! you think this a motherfucking game? Froge needs our help!!!!!
08-28-2014, 07:25 PM
Neelke Offline
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RE: Blandom Snuff

(08-28-2014, 07:25 PM)Newsman Waterpaper Wrote: WTF dude!!!! you think this a motherfucking game? Froge needs our help!!!!!

Alright! Where can we find him??

08-28-2014, 09:38 PM
Newsman Waterpaper Offline
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RE: Blandom Snuff

(08-28-2014, 09:38 PM)Neelke Wrote:
(08-28-2014, 07:25 PM)Newsman Waterpaper Wrote: WTF dude!!!! you think this a motherfucking game? Froge needs our help!!!!!

Alright! Where can we find him??

What am I, your travel agent?
(This post was last modified: 08-28-2014, 09:40 PM by Newsman Waterpaper.)
08-28-2014, 09:40 PM
Neelke Offline
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RE: Blandom Snuff

(08-28-2014, 09:40 PM)Newsman Waterpaper Wrote: What am I, your travel agent?

Why of course. Blush

08-28-2014, 09:43 PM
Newsman Waterpaper Offline
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RE: Blandom Snuff

(08-28-2014, 09:43 PM)Neelke Wrote:
(08-28-2014, 09:40 PM)Newsman Waterpaper Wrote: What am I, your travel agent?

Why of course. Blush

You just picked worst travel agent ever.
08-28-2014, 09:46 PM
Neelke Offline
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RE: Blandom Snuff

(08-28-2014, 09:46 PM)Newsman Waterpaper Wrote: You just picked worst travel agent ever.

Lol, it's that bad, huh?

08-28-2014, 09:47 PM
Gilligan's Hell Offline
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RE: Blandom Snuff


The International Narcotics Traffic
08-29-2014, 01:30 AM
VaeVictis Offline
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RE: Blandom Snuff

(08-28-2014, 04:57 PM)Wooderson Wrote:
(08-28-2014, 05:50 AM)VaeVictis Wrote:
(08-28-2014, 05:15 AM)Wooderson Wrote: Holy shiiiiiiiieeeet

Kinda disturbing by the way...

Oh Lord, the comments. You'd think I'd have learned my lesson by now.

A lot of the time I can't tell if the people commenting are actually serious or just trying to get attention.

Honestly, in a situation as sensitive as this, I really don't care if they're trolling. Those words can cut deep.

On an unrelated, possibly controversial note:
There's some small satisfaction in watching the horror on dude bros' faces when men become objectified in media. As if it only just now become a problem because the tables are ever so slightly turning. The backlash, oh, the hilariously hypocritical backlash.

(This post was last modified: 08-29-2014, 04:55 AM by VaeVictis.)
08-29-2014, 02:34 AM

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