(03-10-2014, 09:46 PM)daortir Wrote: Shit's going to get serious. Because you will have to make your mod a full conversion, and I am guessing dNALANGE is wondering why Badcat and you are trying to kill him with your questions xD.
Well, people are free to ask questions, but hey! sometimes people ask me 4 in a row

Gonne be a WAAAALLLL of text then
(03-10-2014, 08:40 PM)Straxedix Wrote: Ugh i THINK i have a 1 LITTLE problem...
When Creepy Girl comes to me (player) when she wan't hit she get stuck in one place not hitting if you come closer not moving not turning orund just stand and nothing...And there is that creepy voice when monster see you ANY ROOM I ENTER and close door that sound is still like it crash and yeah i have 1 more problem
Flashlight from Fear Amnesia (DnALANGE) i think it's you'r mod i'm not sure but i need help when pick up it's say nothing and just Picked up (i know it's .lang file missing) but that is not ONLY problem there is 1 MORE
When i pick flashlight and batteries click double on batteries (in tab menu) it sounds like oil and there is oil not battery status (box what show how many oil you have)...
I see in custom story's it's green and it says Picked up Flashlight Picked up Batterys
About the girl : to be hounest i think she do NOT have any attacks..
2 : Flashlight ; That will NOT work in a custom story. you need to make it a Full Conversion.
3 : The oil sound is because of the above ( Full Conversion is loading it's own sounds etcetera. ( also the oil \ battery sounds )
4 : Are you working with Batcat? Just a question.?