I recently downloaded Through the Portal and Tenebris Lake custom stories. I finished Amnesia The Dark Descent on a desktop and recently installed it on my laptop. I though, since I had already finished it and didn't want to do it again, to download some custom stories.
Through the Portal, upon opening, leaves a mouse trail, the select profile screen is open with the main menu, and the game crashes with this (FatalError.jpeg listed).
Tenebris Lake upon opening stops working and immediately shuts down.
Both of these have been properly downloaded (as far as I know). I've tried re-extracting the files and putting them back in to Amnesia's redist folder, but it hasn't worked.
Of the other custom stories I have installed, it is only these two that have failed to work. Rain and White Night, the other two, work fine.
Please help?
FatalError.jpg (Size: 246.01 KB / Downloads: 234)
hpl.log (Size: 6.05 KB / Downloads: 274)