<Directory Path="fonts/eng" />
<Directory Path="lang/eng" />
<CATEGORY Name="Journal">
<Entry Name="Note_MyNote1_Name">Introduction</Entry>
<Entry Name="Note_MyNote1_Text">Joseph,[br][br]You've gone too far. I had to stop you.[br][br]I'm sorry, my friend.</Entry>
<Entry Name="Quest_CemeteryGates_Text">Udaj się na miejski cmentarz złożyć kwiaty na grób Laury, lecz wpierw znajdź coś do ubrania.</Entry>
<CATEGORY Name="LoadingText">
<Entry Name="Loading_0">What the hell is going on here? I woke up here, alone without any memories of my past. The only thing I can think of is the mysterious name "Joseph"...</Entry>
<Entry Name="Loading_1">"Everyone is a moon, and has a dark side which he never shows to anybody."[br][br]Mark Twain.</Entry>
<Entry Name="Loading_2"></Entry>
<Entry Name="Loading_3"></Entry>
<CATEGORY Name="Levels">
<Entry Name="crypt">Catacombs - Back Entrance</Entry>
<Entry Name="study">Study room</Entry>
<Entry Name="archives">Archives</Entry>
<CATEGORY Name="LevelDoors">
<Entry Name="studylocked">Locked and a key is needed.</Entry>
<CATEGORY Name="Inventory">
<Entry Name="ItemName_Key1"></Entry>
<Entry Name="ItemDesc_Key1"></Entry>
<Entry Name="ItemName_morfina">Morphine bottle</Entry>
<Entry Name="ItemDesc_morfina">It will reduce your wounds.</Entry>
<Entry Name="ItemName_sp">Sanity potion</Entry>
<Entry Name="ItemDesc_sp">It will help in calming your sanity.</Entry>
<Entry Name="ItemName_klucz">Klucz do drzwi wejściowych</Entry>
<Entry Name="ItemDesc_klucz">Otwiera dolne drzwi wejściowe.</Entry>
<Entry Name="ItemName_studykey">Study key</Entry>
<Entry Name="ItemDesc_studykey">Key to the study.</Entry>
<Entry Name="ItemName_cziper">Stone chipper</Entry>
<Entry Name="ItemDesc_cziper">An old stone chipper.</Entry>
<Entry Name="ItemName_mlot">Stone hammer</Entry>
<Entry Name="ItemDesc_mlot">An old, weak stone hammer. Allthtough it will do me a favor a few times, I think.</Entry>
<Entry Name="ItemName_lever">Backup lever</Entry>
<Entry Name="ItemDesc_lever">A backup lever, mentioned in one of the notes I've found.</Entry>
<CATEGORY Name="Messages">
<Entry Name="SalonNie">Salon[br][br]Nic stamtąd nie potrzebuję.</Entry>
<Entry Name="GardNie">Przebieralnia[br][br]Nie czas, by wybierać stroje.</Entry>
<Entry Name="cemetery">Czas odwiedzić Laurę.</Entry>
<Entry Name="Ksiazki">Zwykły zbiór książek.</Entry>
<Entry Name="Madre">To nie było mądre!</Entry>
<Entry Name="Winiaki">Na spłukanie gardła czas mam zawsze, ale nie w tym przypadku. Muszę trzeźwo myśleć.</Entry>
<Entry Name="Gotowe">Gotów do wyjścia. Jeszcze tylko wezmę klucze od domu.</Entry>
<Entry Name="Portret">Zapewne spodziewasz się, że to portret przedstawiający mojego dziadka/ojca, ale muszę cię rozczarować - kupiłem go za grosze u miejskiego malarza.</Entry>
<Entry Name="kluczpierw">Najpierw muszę wziąć klucz do drzwi frontowych.</Entry>
<Entry Name="Mapa">To bardzo stara mapa Królestwa Pruskiego naszkicowana przez mojego dziadka.</Entry>
<Entry Name="Pogoda">Piękna pogoda.</Entry>
<CATEGORY Name="Ending">
<Entry Name="MainCredits">[br][br]Thank you for playing my custom story, I hope you enjoyed![br][br]Resources:[br][br]HPL2 Engine script functions (Frictional Games wiki)[br][br]Zombie sounds are taken from "Return to Castle Wolfenstein"[br][br]Special thanks to all who helped me, especially the users from Frictional Games forum, whose were helping me when I had issues that I couldn't fix.[br][br]Also thank you for playing this custom story![br][br]What happend to Joseph after he tried to escape from the castle? You will find out in the next part, coming very soon.[br][br]~Lazzer</Entry>