I've never used an NPC.
If you can make it follow pathnodes, then yes, that should be possible
Making a monster follow you doesn't require much more than a little bit of scripting. It shouldn't be hard if you know how to:
You create a scriptarea called "AreaNode_1"
Then you place a pathnode in that area called "PathAreaNode_1"
Repeat, everywhere.
Check that the names always correspond.
In your script file you make it like this:
void OnStart()
for(int i=1;i<=100;i++)
AddEntityCollideCallback("Player", "AreaNode_"+i, "MonsterFollowFunction", false, 1);
void MonsterFollowFunction(string &in asParent, string &in asChild, int alState)
AddEnemyPatrolNode("Monster", "Path"+asChild, 0, "")
To make the monster attack something else, you're gonna have to create a scripted sequence.
For example:
When colliding with area
---Monster runs to the thing it has to kill
---Screen goes black
---Monster and Claw sounds play
---Screen fades in where the thing has been destroyed and the monster is close to the thing.
Seems usable?
Trying is the first step to success.