(07-02-2014, 03:04 AM)Paddy™ Wrote: I'm sure DavidS could provide some helpful insight into this, hopefully he'll catch this thread 
/strategic bump
Your situation with your advisor sounds pretty awful. I can't imagine anything more disheartening for a student than to be ignored by the one person whose entire purpose for existing is to help and advise you. That you're still pushing forward in spite of the crappy support is something to be valued!
Thanks for the thoughtful bump!
Interesting update: My prof for the class I'm taking had a very similar experience not long before me (same school, no less). He actually helped and did some research into a college that actually offers a video game design major. I may not be able to keep working, unfortunately, but I think by next fall I can save enough to go. It's all tentative, though. Seeing as I'm a living, breathing example of Murphy's law, things might change.