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how to fix the lighting?!?
megad3th Offline
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Solved: 9 Years, 2 Weeks ago RE: how to fix the lighting?!?

Yeah, that works, but the lighting is still bad, I can see everything without using flashlights, It really ruins the experience.
01-22-2009, 02:27 PM
megad3th Offline
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Solved: 9 Years, 2 Weeks ago RE: how to fix the lighting?!?

Here's a video of what the error in my game looks like, I wish I could keep it looking dark like in the last part. Hope it helps in figuring out whats the problem.

01-22-2009, 07:12 PM
jens Offline
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Solved: 9 Years, 2 Weeks ago RE: how to fix the lighting?!?

Well it looks like it should at first, then when the item should flashe it makes the whole screen flash instead and this in turn then makes the ambient light setting for the level break, so the game is after that "broken" and that is why it is so dark. When you move outside the area that makes the item flash, the ambient light setting is fixed again.

So the darkness you want is not meant to be in the game, but you could simulate it with by lowering the gamma setting or using the previously mentioned modification. And also to turn of the item flash in settings so that the flash wont occur.
01-22-2009, 07:57 PM
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megad3th Offline
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Solved: 9 Years, 2 Weeks ago RE: how to fix the lighting?!?

Well that's what I was thinking before too, it looks pretty cool when it's that dark though, I guess I should just keep item flash off. Thanks, I'm gonna go try to start playing this game again now...
01-23-2009, 04:26 PM

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