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Model Editor Help Mixing lantern models
KiraImmortal Offline

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Mixing lantern models

The basic idea in this case that i want to have mandus' hand holding Amn's horus-eye lantern model (from mod Riukka), but the two models do not fit together, the orb lantern appears on the right corner, the hand in the left corner, so it's just not right. How can i make a lantern model to fit into another type of hand model?
(This post was last modified: 07-08-2014, 03:38 PM by KiraImmortal.)
07-08-2014, 03:37 PM
Mudbill Offline

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RE: Mixing lantern models

They probably need to have syncronized animations. Different animations would likely put them off, even if they're in the same location. Perhaps it also has to do with the lantern.ho file or so. I haven't really messed much around with it though, so I can't really tell.

07-08-2014, 04:17 PM
Daemian Offline
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RE: Mixing lantern models

Yes, you just need to edit the entity, move it all a little to the left. And check how it looks.
The file you want is horuseye.ent
Open it in ModelEditor, go to Front view (press space, move the cursor to Front view and press space again) select everything and move it a little to the left. Save and check how it looks in-game.

07-08-2014, 11:17 PM
KiraImmortal Offline

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RE: Mixing lantern models

i tried moving it in all the directions placed it like the mandus lantern was in its own entity file, i just can't get it to work :/ Amn if you have some minutes for me and you could help me placing it, i would be very grateful! Smile it's your entity so you're already listed in the credits of my mod, but also you'll have my thanks, this thing gives me a hard time today Big Grin here's the link if you have time http://www.mediafire.com/download/xs345r...models.rar
07-08-2014, 11:59 PM
Daemian Offline
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RE: Mixing lantern models

It's kinda hard for me right now. I would have to prepare a full conversion to do those tests with the lantern :/.

I'll give a try tonight if I find the time. I remember I had troubles trying to get AMFP's arm into ATDD.
I'll see what I did to solve that and try with the sphere thing.

07-09-2014, 02:07 AM
KiraImmortal Offline

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RE: Mixing lantern models

the arm itself is no big deal it runs without a problem, also with the AMFP lantern, it runs just perfectly (well the lantern is flickering at first but it's not hard to deal with that). if you want i can send my full conversion environment also with my test map. thanks for it by the way, hope you'll have time Smile i wish i could do it for myself i just don't know what am i doing wrong :/
(This post was last modified: 07-09-2014, 10:21 AM by KiraImmortal.)
07-09-2014, 10:20 AM
Daemian Offline
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RE: Mixing lantern models

No luck :/
When I try the AMFP's arm it crashes for me. I'll try again tonight.

07-09-2014, 05:29 PM
KiraImmortal Offline

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RE: Mixing lantern models

crashes? :| well, i tried it with the 1.3 patch. i don't know if it works without it, my fc mod will use the new patch for sure.
07-09-2014, 08:49 PM
Daemian Offline
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RE: Mixing lantern models

Remove anything you have in /models and unzip this(attached) there.
You should get amfp's arm plus sphere thing. Good luck.

Attached Files
.zip   LanternOfDoom.zip (Size: 1.56 MB / Downloads: 155)

07-11-2014, 04:23 AM
KiraImmortal Offline

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RE: Mixing lantern models

very big thanks man! it's much better from what i've could accomplish. thanks also for your time Smile)
07-15-2014, 03:17 PM

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