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PewDiePie arguing
AdamD Offline

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RE: Amnesia and Pewdiepie

(08-24-2013, 11:00 PM)Derxor Wrote:
(08-24-2013, 10:57 PM)fancreeper Wrote: Oh my god...It is so hard to not watch a video of a game you have been waiting for 2 years D: I think I am going to explode...I must focus...not to watch...

I don't know how to say this. I thought the same thing about an hour ago, and i can't regret more watching that video. Believe me. DON'T WATCH IT. (sorry about caps, but i think it's very important)

True. Don't watch it. I did it and I feel really bad now Sad

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08-24-2013, 11:08 PM
Bridge Offline
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RE: AAMFP GAMEPLAY - Warning: PewDiePie

Can anyone who's seen the video comment on how much of a spoiler it actually is? I'm not sure whether this is Frictional's attempt at a viral gameplay demo ("this is all I'm allowed to show you") or whether it really poses a serious risk of lessening the game's impact.
08-24-2013, 11:20 PM
Diz Offline

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RE: Amnesia and Pewdiepie

I am happy I decided not to watch it, then. But it does make me wish the game was out now. Feels unfair to have someone uploading their personal gameplay footage while we have to wait 2-3 weeks. Well, gives me time to purchase my new computer anyhow. x3

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08-24-2013, 11:27 PM
Yuhaney Offline
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RE: AAMFP GAMEPLAY - Warning: PewDiePie

It has...
Spoiler below!
...paintings, doors, pigs, flashing lights, monster and a bear.

(This post was last modified: 08-24-2013, 11:35 PM by Yuhaney.)
08-24-2013, 11:30 PM
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Derxor Offline

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RE: Amnesia and Pewdiepie

Maybe, MAYBE, they should have given out the game like 2 days before, that would have been much more legit IMO. Idc what youtuber, but it was too soon, too effing soon

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08-24-2013, 11:32 PM
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Ossie Offline
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RE: Amnesia and Pewdiepie

(08-24-2013, 11:00 PM)Derxor Wrote: I don't know how to say this. I thought the same thing about an hour ago, and i can't regret more watching that video. Believe me. DON'T WATCH IT. (sorry about caps, but i think it's very important)

I watched about 10 seconds of it, and that's it. No more until I can download my copy from the Humble Store. To be honest I'm a bit concerned that gameplay footage is coming out already - it would be okay if it was official footage from Frictional but random footage from an LP'er? Hmmm. I'm a bit on the fence on that.

Not a huge fan of Pewdiepie but sometimes, just sometimes, he plays a game and actually respects it as he's playing - his 'The Last Of Us' LP was surprisingly good (he played pretty well too), AND he's a fan of the excellent indie game 'Thomas Was Alone' and 'To The Moon'. So he's not all bad.
08-24-2013, 11:40 PM
Lleviathyn Offline

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RE: AAMFP GAMEPLAY - Warning: PewDiePie

(08-24-2013, 11:20 PM)Bridge Wrote: Can anyone who's seen the video comment on how much of a spoiler it actually is? I'm not sure whether this is Frictional's attempt at a viral gameplay demo ("this is all I'm allowed to show you") or whether it really poses a serious risk of lessening the game's impact.
(08-24-2013, 10:12 PM)Lleviathan Wrote: In my opinion, all the spoilers were pretty minor to me except the part with the monster.

And regarding PDP getting a review copy, it's a good move. He's got 12 million subscribers and he's a big reason why the first game was so popular.

He got a free early copy. So what? He deserved it.

Sure, I'm kind of jealous too and can't wait to play either, but it's not that far away. Meanwhile, I'm going to pass the time with some good custom stories. Smile
08-24-2013, 11:40 PM
maarten12100 Offline
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RE: Amnesia and Pewdiepie

Not sure why this is re-opened since it will only cause more hate against pewdie.

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08-24-2013, 11:43 PM
Lleviathyn Offline

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RE: Amnesia and Pewdiepie

(08-24-2013, 11:40 PM)Ossie Wrote: I watched about 10 seconds of it, and that's it. No more until I can download my copy from the Humble Store. To be honest I'm a bit concerned that gameplay footage is coming out already - it would be okay if it was official footage from Frictional but random footage from an LP'er? Hmmm. I'm a bit on the fence on that.
He says at the end: "That's all I'm allowed to show." So I'm positive he got it all figured out with the devs.
08-24-2013, 11:44 PM
Ossie Offline
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RE: Amnesia and Pewdiepie

Think I'll duck out of this forum until I've played the game - the risk of spoilers is too great.

I had hoped that Frictional would be keeping a very tight leash on those who they sent the game to for review purposes, even an embargo on (unapproved) game footage and spoilers would be a good idea. But, well, too late now I guess.
08-24-2013, 11:46 PM

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