Go into the modeleditor, open the monster. Save a copy of it (as an object --> Subtype static instead of as an enemy), as statue_monster_static or something to your liking. Remove all animations. Keep 'idle' and 'walk' (plus any other you want it to start from). Set their speed to 0. Give it physics in the modeleditor or with a blockbox in the leveleditor, which you then 'remove' as you activate the monster.
Input this line at the startup of your map (or on enter):
PlayPropAnimation(string& asProp, string& asAnimation, float afFadeTime, bool abLoop, string& asCallback);
PlayPropAnimation("Static_Statue", "Idle", 0.0, true, "");
The statue should repeat the 'frozen idle' or 'frozen walk'.
Also noticed that the alpha still shows part of the chains.