Yea they gained the top for selling the game for 5 bucks for 2 days .i bought it then great game finally fixed that stupid vertex shader thing

BTW valve games are Awesome DOD:S is a lot of fun CS:S is alot of Fun half life 1 and 2 are AMAZING
team fortress 2 is allot of fun Left 4 dead is freakin crazy awesomeness and left 4 dead 2 is gonna be even better every game they make is has a very unique game style and graphics.
don't be dissing steam they are hosting your guy's game after all and your probable selling more then every because of there STEAM console where they provide there games on and other companies games. STEAM was probable one of the best things every to happen to buying games online its easy fast safe so just show a little respect guys.
Thank you
"If we, citizens, do not support our artists, then we sacrifice our imagination on the alter of crude reality and we end up believing in nothing and having worthless dreams." "Yann Martel"