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Any chance ya'll could give this to me off of Direct2Drive or some other site?
Martyr Shu Offline
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Solved: 9 Years, 2 Weeks ago Any chance ya'll could give this to me off of Direct2Drive or some other site?

Before you shake your head and say "no", hear me out:

I purchased The Penumbra Collection yesterday and was really looking forward to finally playing it. However, my computer refuses to read it.

I tried it on my dad's computer and it does just find. My friend said it could be a faulty drive, which would suck. But I just tried it with a CD and it did fine.

Upon some farther investigation today, it turns out that I have a CD-only drive. So, I need to buy a DVD-drive as soon as I can. However, I do not know when this will be.

My question to you all is this: Could I somehow prove that I bought the game (maybe via webcam? I don't know.) then get the Collection for free off of Direct2Drive?

It's no big deal to play it on my dad's computer or wait until I can get a new drive. I'm just curious about if I can do this or not.


[Image: 301zf36.jpg]
07-05-2009, 03:13 AM
Sexbad Offline
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Solved: 9 Years, 2 Weeks ago RE: Any chance ya'll could give this to me off of Direct2Drive or some other site?


Get an account, download Steam, and look up Penumbra there.
07-05-2009, 03:35 AM
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Martyr Shu Offline
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Solved: 9 Years, 2 Weeks ago RE: Any chance ya'll could give this to me off of Direct2Drive or some other site?

Their collection doesn't include Requiem. And plus, I'd have to buy it a second time, which I want to avoid.

[Image: 301zf36.jpg]
07-05-2009, 06:34 AM
Sexbad Offline
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Solved: 9 Years, 2 Weeks ago RE: Any chance ya'll could give this to me off of Direct2Drive or some other site?

It includes Requiem as a part of the "Black Plague special edition" or whatever since it is an expansion to BP. Good luck finding a DVD drive if you can.
07-05-2009, 07:41 AM
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Martyr Shu Offline
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Solved: 9 Years, 2 Weeks ago RE: Any chance ya'll could give this to me off of Direct2Drive or some other site?

Thanks. I found one that's pretty cheap, actually.

Really looking forward to finally playing Penumbra after the amazing Overture demo.

[Image: 301zf36.jpg]
07-05-2009, 08:04 AM
Martyr Shu Offline
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Solved: 9 Years, 2 Weeks ago RE: Any chance ya'll could give this to me off of Direct2Drive or some other site?

New question: Can one copy of the Collection be installed on two different computers? If yes, then I'll just play it on my dad's til I can buy a DVD-drive.

[Image: 301zf36.jpg]
07-06-2009, 03:21 AM
WindexGlow Offline
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Solved: 9 Years, 2 Weeks ago RE: Any chance ya'll could give this to me off of Direct2Drive or some other site?

Yup, no online activation I believe.
EDIT: I love image block. Used it on your sig and the top halfed it's size!

Please -REP me.
Honestly, please do. I want to see how low I can go!!
Ignore that error message too. Just ignore it and keep going to give me -rep.
07-06-2009, 03:31 AM
Martyr Shu Offline
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Solved: 9 Years, 2 Weeks ago RE: Any chance ya'll could give this to me off of Direct2Drive or some other site?

(07-06-2009, 03:31 AM)WindexGlow Wrote: EDIT: I love image block. Used it on your sig and the top halfed it's size!

lol, what?

And alright, thanks.

[Image: 301zf36.jpg]
07-06-2009, 03:34 AM
Martyr Shu Offline
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Solved: 9 Years, 2 Weeks ago RE: Any chance ya'll could give this to me off of Direct2Drive or some other site?

Got it installed on me dad's computer and am currently enjoying Overture. This will do until I can get a drive; or I'll just skip getting a drive at all.

Thanks for the help, chaps. Smile

[Image: 301zf36.jpg]
07-07-2009, 05:53 AM

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