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Installation problems - launching
paulhar Offline
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Solved: 9 Years, 3 Weeks ago Installation problems - launching

Just paid for and downloaded via the link and received my copy of Penumbra Collection 1.0. Whoo... 1GB, nice fast download speed.

Installed. Started the Penumbra Collection app and got the box with 3 game icons at the top. Clicking on any of them - icon goes red but nothing else happens.

Console shows this:
17/07/2009 15:17:30 Launcher[3955] Button Press <NSButton: 0x146490>::2
17/07/2009 15:17:30 Launcher[3955] Try path /Applications/Penumbra Collection/The Penumbra Collection.app/../Overture.app
17/07/2009 15:17:30 Launcher[3955] LSOpenFromURLSpec() returned -10827 for application /Applications/Penumbra Collection/The Penumbra Collection.app/../Overture.app path (null).

Manually launching Overture by double-clicking in Applications I get "You cannot open the application 'Penumbra.app' because it may be damaged or incomplete.

If I drop into terminal and try to launch I get further:
CoreBig Grinownloads paulhargreaves$ cd /Applications/Penumbra\ Collection/Overture.app/Contents/MacOS/
Core:MacOS paulhargreaves$ ./Penumbra

Up pops a Serial validation request. Enter my serial, then the screen goes black, changes screen resolution, then drops back to the terminal prompt and screen resolution returns to normal.

Can someone confirm that the 1GB file I got isn't corrupt:
CoreBig Grinownloads paulhargreaves$ md5 penumbra_collection_1.0.dmg
MD5 (penumbra_collection_1.0.dmg) = 68612d29b8edc593c4881ed32e459609

CoreBig Grinownloads paulhargreaves$ ls -la penumbra_collection_1.0.dmg
-rw-r--r--@ 1 paulhargreaves staff 1094987327 1 Jul 08:50 penumbra_collection_1.0.dmg

My Mac config:

MacBook Pro Early 2009, Intel 2.4mhz , 9600m enabled, on mains, 4GB DDR3 RAM.
OS 10.5.7.


07-17-2009, 03:23 PM
jens Offline
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Solved: 9 Years, 3 Weeks ago RE: Installation problems - launching

The md5sum is correct

Have you tried launching the other two games by double-clicking or through the terminal?

Can you verify & repair the permissions on the drive to make sure they are OK? Using the disk utility
07-17-2009, 03:34 PM
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Obecny Offline
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Solved: 9 Years, 3 Weeks ago RE: Installation problems - launching

I have the same problem on my Mac Pro with Nvidia 9800
,also I've tried to start each games separatly by:
.../.../Penumbra.app/Contents/MacOs/Penumbra and app asked me about serial then exit, in my log i found:
Quote:-------- THE HPL ENGINE LOG ------------

Creating Engine Modules
Creating graphics module
Creating system module
Creating resource module
Creating input module
Creating sound module
Creating physics module
Creating ai module
Creating gui module
Creating haptic module
Creating scene module

Initializing Resources Module
Creating resource managers
Misc Creation

Initializing Graphics Module
Init low level graphics
Setting video mode: 800 x 600 - 32 bpp
Init Glee...OK
Setting up OpenGL
Max texture image units: 16
Max texture coord units: 8
Two sided stencil: 1
Vertex Buffer Object: 1
Anisotropic filtering: 1
Max Anisotropic degree: 16
Multisampling: 1
Vertex Program: 1
Fragment Program: 1
NV Register Combiners: 1
NV Register Combiners Stages: 8
ATI Fragment Shader: 0
Creating graphic systems
Creating Renderer2D
ERROR: Couldn't texture 'PointLight2D.bmp'
FATAL ERROR: Couldn't load PointLight2DDeleting ATI shader to 0
Deleting ATI shader to 0
Deleting ATI shader to 0
Deleting ATI shader to 0

sooo.... ATI ? ?? on nvidia ?
07-17-2009, 03:45 PM
Urkle Offline
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Solved: 9 Years, 3 Weeks ago RE: Installation problems - launching

Try running it from the Overture directory (so the game can find the data files)
open Penumbra.app

It could be something is screwy with the links in the parent directory.

Oh, and you can ignore the ATI shader messages Smile they are pretty much no-ops due to you not running on an ATI card.[/code]

(07-17-2009, 03:45 PM)Obecny Wrote: I have the same problem on my Mac Pro with Nvidia 9800
,also I've tried to start each games separatly by:
.../.../Penumbra.app/Contents/MacOs/Penumbra and app asked me about serial then exit

sooo.... ATI ? ?? on nvidia ?

Developing away on one of
Multiple Macs running 10.6, 10.7, 10.8, and 10.9.
Linux, 8-core AMD, 8GB RAM, Fedora 18, nVidia 450 1GB
07-17-2009, 04:56 PM
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Urkle Offline
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Solved: 9 Years, 3 Weeks ago RE: Installation problems - launching

please try the directions in this threaad


Developing away on one of
Multiple Macs running 10.6, 10.7, 10.8, and 10.9.
Linux, 8-core AMD, 8GB RAM, Fedora 18, nVidia 450 1GB
07-17-2009, 11:24 PM
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paulhar Offline
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Solved: 9 Years, 3 Weeks ago RE: Installation problems - launching

(07-17-2009, 03:34 PM)jens Wrote: The md5sum is correct

Have you tried launching the other two games by double-clicking or through the terminal?

Can you verify & repair the permissions on the drive to make sure they are OK? Using the disk utility

Double clicking or launching through terminal as I had done before failed.

What does work is cd'ing into the game directory and then running
Core:Black Plague paulhargreaves$ ../Black\ Plague.app/Contents/MacOS/BlackPlague
Core:Black Plague paulhargreaves$ pwd
/Applications/Penumbra Collection/Black Plague
Core:Black Plague paulhargreaves$

That has worked for the first 2 games and will most likely work for the 3rd.


07-18-2009, 01:50 PM

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