I loved Frisk. Precisely because I couldn't even imagine his form or his constitution. He was just... something... something that was there, and was very harmful, lethal actualy. I remember looking down the hall after having the lights on and thinking to myself "oh my... are the lights supposed to kill it?? What if I still need something else?" and while I trespassed his "property" I was like looking at the holes and wandering when he'd show up. The truth is: you don't kill it. But I felt a big releaf when I was on the other side... lol
Never felt such a relief in a game before...
But the thing I most loved was the dog that runs towards you with DEATH written all over it, and suddenly he just POPs off and nothing happens.

I must confess, and I'm NOT easily frightened, I jumped on the chair and almost painted my pants brown.
I'm currently replaying the series, I just incinerated my best pal Red, and feasted over his screams, like he'd probably want me to

, and when I finish this one I'll replay BP. I'm a little anxious for it, cuz I really loved BP. <3