OKAY I'm done screaming *phew*..... wait, no I'm not!! AAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!
*pant* *wheeze* *gasp*!.......
(To those who beat this game, and didn't grow a full head of white/grey hair!.. hats off to you... "Good day SIR!... YOU WIN!)
I thought Penumbra was the scariest game series I've ever played, OMG! was I WRONG!!
Believe it or not I played this ENTIRE game (The Dark Descent)... ... IN THE DARK! I beat it!

(yeah... I'm cool) Maybe I soiled myself a few thousand times, but all is well with adult diapers! To even pick up this game, play it, and get to where you first die... is an achievement all its own! I feel I should earn a medal or something

I know this post is LONG over due, but I thought I would torture myself and play it all over again.... IN THE DARK!

hehehe... AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!! *sounds of major defecation*
No seriously though, this game has been such a great experience, unlike most games out there that don't have much feeling to them. In Dark Descent I got a real sensation of fear, anxiety, doubt, hate, confusion, and most of all, satisfaction. It is so rare to "feel" something while playing a game. I felt as if I was the character himself. The atmosphere of the game, it really puts you in the game, even more so than in the Penumbra series. Some people may say it is just the same game as Penumbra, but in a different setting. However, I ask myself why it was so much harder to pick up this game and play? I had little to no trouble playing the Penumbra series. I cannot explain it in detail as to why The Dark Descent is so much more scary than any game out there. How Frictional Games has managed to make a game even more scary than Penumbra, yet use the same basic concepts and game-play style, but deliver an entirely different experience? I do not know. I wonder if they could make another game even scarier than this one? I can only hope so (I did manage to play A Machine for Pigs, and I got to say, not as scary but I liked the story).
Thank you Frictional Games, for the best and worse

experience I have ever felt in a game.