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The Ultimate SOMA Discussion Thread
Macgyverthehero Offline
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RE: Frictional Games Super Secret Project Discussion Topic

(06-18-2013, 03:53 AM)Alex Ros Wrote: Also Frictional guys Thomas in particular was always interested in physics. Open space gravity could be, surely, an interesting thing to try to implement into the Sci-Fi themed game. Low gravity allows you to make non-horizontal confusing all-directional levels and forces a player to think in all directions, which is a good thing for a horror game. Because all (just imagine that) directions could be used to scare you. Not to mention that cosmic low gravity is a big field for making truly unusual non-ordinary puzzles.

Finally, a bit of intuition... or personal highhopes.

I think they, Frictional, would love to enhace Space Odyssey idea of the frightening gone crazy computer, who is not even a visible character, just an emotionless voice. Godlike invisible enemy who is able to watch you nearly everywhere, where his electronical eyes are placed. Nearly nowhere to hide. Hard to imagine what to expect, any door can be closed, light can go down, etc.

This is exactly what I was thinking would be good for a horror game concept.

[Image: Keo88b.gif]
07-12-2013, 09:35 AM
pinkribbonscars Offline

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RE: Frictional Games Super Secret Project Discussion Topic

Just imagine a SciFi horror game by Frictional Games..... I could jump around my room screaming in excitement and that still wouldn't describe how excited I'd be Tongue
(This post was last modified: 07-12-2013, 12:29 PM by pinkribbonscars.)
07-12-2013, 12:27 PM
Zgroktar Offline
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RE: Frictional Games Super Secret Project Discussion Topic

I remember that Thomas clearly said he want to implement deeper philosophical themes in their next game, something Frictional didn't quite manage to achieve in Amnesia. That is the right direction, any scientific elements will only be of secondary value.
07-12-2013, 12:32 PM
Paddy™ Offline
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RE: Frictional Games Super Secret Project Discussion Topic

07-12-2013, 03:33 PM
Draug Offline
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RE: Frictional Games Super Secret Project Discussion Topic

So excited for this project... Already curious about the final name of the game. Is there anything known about the release? 2014, 2015?
07-12-2013, 04:06 PM
ReadingNotAllowed Offline

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RE: Frictional Games Super Secret Project Discussion Topic

(07-12-2013, 04:06 PM)droog Wrote: So excited for this project... Already curious about the final name of the game. Is there anything known about the release? 2014, 2015?

Not to my knowledge. My guess is that they will announce the game in 2014, and then release it in 2015. Big Grin

Better to have a story and end it, then to never realise it has begun...

- Red
07-12-2013, 04:17 PM
Chrysler Offline

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RE: Frictional Games Super Secret Project Discussion Topic

(07-12-2013, 04:06 PM)droog Wrote: So excited for this project... Already curious about the final name of the game. Is there anything known about the release? 2014, 2015?
This is what Thomas wrote in a blog post in September 2012 and is probably the latest update of a release date we have.
Quote:The game's current status is that we have pretty much all tech working, and have started to playtest the first parts. Still, a lot is up in the air and the current design is bound to change. While we do not want the project to go on forever, we want to use our good financial situation the best we can and make sure we do not just rush something out (which we did with Amnesia actually). Release will probably be some time in 2014.
07-12-2013, 08:34 PM
Sampyli Offline
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RE: Frictional Games Super Secret Project Discussion Topic

(07-12-2013, 08:34 PM)Chrysler Wrote:
(07-12-2013, 04:06 PM)droog Wrote: So excited for this project... Already curious about the final name of the game. Is there anything known about the release? 2014, 2015?
This is what Thomas wrote in a blog post in September 2012 and is probably the latest update of a release date we have.
Quote:The game's current status is that we have pretty much all tech working, and have started to playtest the first parts. Still, a lot is up in the air and the current design is bound to change. While we do not want the project to go on forever, we want to use our good financial situation the best we can and make sure we do not just rush something out (which we did with Amnesia actually). Release will probably be some time in 2014.


I love how them 'just rushing something out' is pretty much the best horror game of all time (so far).
07-12-2013, 10:44 PM
Kein Offline
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RE: Frictional Games Super Secret Project Discussion Topic

(07-12-2013, 04:06 PM)droog Wrote: Already curious about the final name of the game.


"Avoid Capture"
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07-13-2013, 11:05 AM
Bucic Offline

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RE: Frictional Games Super Secret Project Discussion Topic

Light is >everything< (one can only argue whether dynamic lighting is mandatory or not). Grpahics devs seem to forget about it. Don't get me even started with gamers... Just look at how much coverage "polygon pumping" gets in the gaming world. But then lighting is a complex matter and in many cases people don't see some effect as lacking until they're shown a "with and without" showcase, whereas polygons simply sit there to be counted. I guess this is the key to which subject is more popular.

I'm glad FG took headed this way with the engine.

Grphc mods
[Image: moddb_88x31_v12.png]
07-14-2013, 07:08 PM

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