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Liquid Area Sound Continues
dailycreepypasta Offline
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Brick  Liquid Area Sound Continues

For some reason, on only one of my maps I go into an area with a liquid area and for some reason when I get out of it, the sound of walking in the water continues until you get killed. For example, I would go into a liquid area, go up a ladder area and walk around the level making the water sound when I walk. I checked the size of the liquid area and it's making the sound even when the player is outside of the area. Has anyone experienced this and is there a way I can fix it? If it helps I'm using Amnesia: TDD v1.3 and the HPL Editor Suite that I downloaded for version 1.3 about 3 or 4 days ago.

Creator of "The Night I Went Insane".

08-10-2015, 06:36 AM
FlawlessHappiness Offline
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RE: Liquid Area Sound Continues

I think that's specifically because you exited the liquid area with a ladder.

Try having the player exit the water, before going for the ladder.

Trying is the first step to success.
08-10-2015, 11:11 AM
Neelke Offline
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RE: Liquid Area Sound Continues

I kinda fixed this myself by moving the ladder area out of the liquid area. Otherwise you can take a look at the ladder in the Sewer in the main game.

08-10-2015, 11:14 AM
Daemian Offline
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RE: Liquid Area Sound Continues

Yeap. I did have this problem too. I don't remember very well how I fixed it, I think I did the water area bigger, and barely touching the floor.
As they said above, it happens when the game couldn't detect the player leaving the water area.

08-10-2015, 01:49 PM

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