(08-27-2015, 01:45 PM)TheDoctorPoo Wrote: I was about 9-10 when Call of Duty became popular in my area. When can we go back to the day that COD zombies were actually scary rather then the next firing range target!
Of course, I didn't grow up in the Windows DDoS era so my opinion is invalid anyway.
Aaah yes, the windows DDoS era, where we all prevented eachother from getting online.
I do look forward to the near future when the 'older' generation is the current set of gamers. Will be interesting to see how the industry will mature along with the consumers.
Currently there is still the stigma of being too old to play games, I can see it gradually fading.
Christ I feel old; I'm 39! The first domestic machines I ever played games on were the Spectrum ZX81 and the Atari 2600. I had various other Spectrums after that, as well as the Amiga 500 and the Sega MS when they were brand-new and amazing.
Though I'm proud to be a "whippersnapper" at 20 :p first console I owned was a Gameboy Advanced, played a lot of N64 games at my cousins' houses since they're all 5-15 years older than me.
(This post was last modified: 09-20-2015, 04:34 PM by CarnivorousJelly.)
Yes they are weird and weird O.o like the controls werent that good and the industry was more about "games are toys" Its just nothing compared anymore.
Tentacle raping guy is coming for ya Q.Q Watcha gonna do?
There are some good games from the 90's, HOWEVER most of those are just considered good for the sake of nostalgia from the people who played them IN the 90's. There was nothing better at the time, so obviously they were the best.
Comparing them to today's standards, they don't hold very much in terms of ease of use. Many of them have clunky controls, especially a lot of 3D games as the industry was just starting out. Take Mario 64, for example. The camera controls are rather awkward. However I do still think Ocarina of Time handled camera well, but the game itself really shows its age; hence the remake.