I swear, if I press F9 again I will break my keyboard
This is meant to be a well-lit area. This story isn't supposed to be a "oerh mer goawd the durk is so scury", at least not until later. Player lacks a lantern at this point.
It doesn't look like there is point lights but there is
I think the one I'm looking for is 6-7 for radius
(09-20-2015, 08:16 PM)Neelke Wrote: Well the reason it's brighter in the main game is because they add pointlights to them. Just set out a pointlight infront of the torch and it should look simular.
I recommend the color setup 0.5, 0.4, 0.2, 0.5 and radius 4 for torches like these.
How would I make a pointlight that turns on when a candle is lit?