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R6025: Pure virtual function call error
Romulator Offline
Not Tech Support ;-)

Posts: 3,628
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Joined: Jan 2013
Reputation: 195
Solved: 8 Years, 9 Months, 1 Week ago R6025: Pure virtual function call error

SOMA was working fine up until (yes, there are possible spoilers here):
Spoiler below!

picking up Catherine into the Omni-Tool and having to leave Lambda. I left Lambda and then headed over a metal tunnel like structure in the ocean overworld, got jumpscared and headed into some structure I couldn't get in to before I went into Lambda. Explored then came back out thinking it was a dead end. I stopped outside on the tunnel structure.

I saved the game at that point, since I wanted to take a break. Upon reload, I now get an error loading up the save:

[Image: 6e4d3140c7.png]

Here's my hpl.log as well, created after loading my latest save.
Spoiler below!

Loading data from cloud storage
Files on steam cloud:
- Update Config Files -
- Update Save Files -
Time: 16
Updated 0 config files and 0 save files

Version 1.00
-------- THE HPL ENGINE LOG ------------
Creating Engine Modules
Creating job manager with 3 threads and 1024 jobs
Creating graphics module
Creating system module
Creating resource module
Creating input module
Creating sound module
Creating physics module
Creating ai module
Creating gui module
Creating generate module
Creating haptic module
Creating scene module
Creating script module
Creating lipsync module

Initializing Resources Module
Creating loader handlers
Creating resource managers
Adding loaders to handlers

Initializing Graphics Module
Init lowlevel graphics: 640x480 bpp:32 rr: 60 fs:0 ms:0 driver: 0 cap:'SOMA Loading...' posSad-1x-1)
Available drivers:
(0) - 'windows'
(1) - 'dummy'
Creating window: (-1,-1) 640 x 480 - 32 bpp flags: 3
Setting display mode: 640 x 480 - 32 bpp 60 hz
Init Glew...OK
Setting up OpenGL
Vendor: ATI Technologies Inc.
Renderer: AMD Radeon™ R5 Graphics
Version: 4.3.12804 Compatibility Profile Context 13.352.1004.1010
Max texture image units: 32
Max texture coord units: 16
Max texture buffer size: 268435456
Max texture array slices: 2048
Max user clip planes: 8
Two sided stencil: 1
Vertex Buffer Object: 1
Anisotropic filtering: 1
Max Anisotropic degree: 16
Multisampling: 1
Texture compression: 1
Texture compression S3TC: 1
Texture compression 3DC: 1
Texture sRGB: 1
Geometry Instancing: 1
Auto generate MipMaps: 1
Render to texture: 1
Max draw buffers: 8
Max color render targets: 8
Packed depth-stencil: 1
Texture float: 1
GLSL Version: 4.30
ShaderModel 2: 1
ShaderModel 3: 1
ShaderModel 4: 1
Max vertex uniforms: 16384
Max fragment uniforms: 1024
OGL ATIFragmentShader: 1
Tesselation: 1
MultiBindTex: 1
Initializing DevIL
Vendor String: Abysmal Software
Version String: Developer's Image Library (DevIL) 1.7.8
Version Number: 178
Adding engine materials
Adding engine post effects

Initializing Sound Module
Initializing FMOD.

Initializing Game Module
Adding engine updates

User Initialization

Game Running
Loading keybinds - file version:5
Loading keybinds - file version:5
Failed parsing of XML document C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/maps/main_menu/main_menu.voice: file not found
Failed parsing of XML document C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/maps/main_menu/main_menu.lang: file not found
ERROR: Skipping map specific voice file 'maps/main_menu.voice', not found!
ERROR: Could not get group with path 'frontend/' in project 'special_fx'. Reason: An invalid parameter was passed to this function.
ERROR: Could not get group with path 'frontend/' in project 'special_fx'. Reason: An invalid parameter was passed to this function.
-------------- SAVE THREAD INIT -----------------
-------------- SAVE THREAD COMPLETED -----------------
Delayed function: object:
-------------- LOADING GAME -----------------
Started loading save file AutoSave_02-01-ms-curie-outside_2015_9_22_20_55_23_0.sav
-------------- SAVE THREAD INIT -----------------
-------------- SAVE THREAD COMPLETED -----------------
-------------- SAVE THREAD INIT -----------------
-------------- SAVE THREAD COMPLETED -----------------
Map script loading started
Map script loading completed
-------------- SAVE THREAD INIT -----------------
-------------- SAVE THREAD COMPLETED -----------------
-------------- SAVE THREAD INIT -----------------
Loading keybinds - file version:5
-------------- SAVE THREAD COMPLETED -----------------
Character with name Player does not exist in voice handler!
Character with name Player does not exist in voice handler!
Character with name Player does not exist in voice handler!
Character with name Player does not exist in voice handler!
Character with name Player does not exist in voice handler!
Character with name Player does not exist in voice handler!
Character with name Player does not exist in voice handler!
Character with name Player does not exist in voice handler!
Character with name Player does not exist in voice handler!
Character with name Player does not exist in voice handler!
Character with name Player does not exist in voice handler!
Character with name Player does not exist in voice handler!
Character with name Player does not exist in voice handler!
ERROR: Couldn't load texture ''
ERROR: Couldn't load texture ''
ERROR: Couldn't load texture ''
ERROR: Couldn't load texture ''
ERROR: Couldn't load texture ''
ERROR: FileIndex not found for UndergrowthArea with name Circle_14 and ID 419436612
Invalid internal path: ''
ERROR: Cannot find sound event data ''
Invalid internal path: ''
ERROR: Cannot find sound event data ''
Invalid internal path: ''
ERROR: Cannot find sound event data ''
Invalid internal path: ''
ERROR: Cannot find sound event data ''
ERROR: Could not find bone 'Texture Group' in model 'C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/character/robot/catherine_worker_lambda/catherine_worker_lambda.ent'
ERROR: Loading entity catherine_worker_lambda_1: Skeletons in mesh file (C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/character/robot/catherine_worker_lambda/catherine_worker_lambda.msh) and .ent file (C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/character/robot/catherine_worker_lambda/catherine_worker_lambda.ent) differ! Probably caused by .ent not being up to date with mesh
ERROR: Could not find char body pos bone bone 'Hip' for agent 'entities/character/robot/catherine_worker_lambda/catherine_worker_lambda.ent'
Invalid internal path: ''
ERROR: Cannot find sound event data ''
Invalid internal path: ''
ERROR: Cannot find sound event data ''
Invalid internal path: ''
ERROR: Cannot find sound event data ''
Invalid internal path: ''
ERROR: Cannot find sound event data ''
ERROR: Missing upper and/or lower material for liquid area 'LiquidArea_2'
ERROR: Missing upper and/or lower material for liquid area 'LiquidArea_1'
Character with name Player does not exist in voice handler!
Character with name Player does not exist in voice handler!
Character with name Player does not exist in voice handler!
Character with name Player does not exist in voice handler!
WARNING: Light with name 'SpotLight_129' does not exist!
WARNING: Light with name 'SpotLight_129' does not exist!
WARNING: Light with name 'SpotLight_129' does not exist!
WARNING: Light with name 'SpotLight_129' does not exist!
WARNING: Light with name 'SpotLight_129' does not exist!
WARNING: Light with name 'SpotLight_129' does not exist!
WARNING: Light with name 'SpotLight_129' does not exist!
WARNING: Light with name 'SpotLight_129' does not exist!
WARNING: Light with name 'SpotLight_129' does not exist!
WARNING: Light with name 'SpotLight_129' does not exist!
WARNING: Light with name 'SpotLight_129' does not exist!
WARNING: Light with name 'SpotLight_129' does not exist!
WARNING: Light with name 'SpotLight_129' does not exist!
WARNING: Light with name 'SpotLight_129' does not exist!
WARNING: Light with name 'SpotLight_129' does not exist!
WARNING: Light with name 'SpotLight_129' does not exist!
WARNING: Light with name 'SpotLight_129' does not exist!
WARNING: Light with name 'SpotLight_129' does not exist!
WARNING: Light with name 'SpotLight_129' does not exist!
WARNING: Light with name 'SpotLight_129' does not exist!
ERROR: Could not find entity Crabs_3d to create group for critter brown_crab_10!
ERROR: Could not find entity FishGrave_5 to create group for critter blue_runner_noescape_39!
ERROR: Could not find entity Hanger_Door_Left which LeftDoorParticlePos should be attached to.
ERROR: Could not find entity Hanger_Door_Right which RightDoorParticlePos_1 should be attached to.
ERROR: Connected sound 'Curie_Groan_General_1' for soundscape area 'AMB_Pre_StartCabinRoom' does not exist!
ERROR: Connected sound 'Curie_Groan_General_2' for soundscape area 'AMB_Pre_StartCabinRoom' does not exist!
ERROR: Connected sound 'Curie_Groan_General_3' for soundscape area 'AMB_Pre_StartCabinRoom' does not exist!
ERROR: Connected sound 'Curie_Groan_General_4' for soundscape area 'AMB_Pre_StartCabinRoom' does not exist!
ERROR: Connected sound 'Curie_Groan_General_5' for soundscape area 'AMB_Pre_StartCabinRoom' does not exist!
ERROR: Connected sound 'escape_pod_crash_1' for soundscape area 'AMB_EXT_CrashedPod_1' does not exist!
ERROR: Connected sound 'escape_pod_crash_1' for soundscape area 'AMB_EXT_CrashedPod_2' does not exist!
-------------- SAVE THREAD INIT -----------------

So far, I have tried loading my latest save a few times, as well as loading previous saves.

Anything you can recommend?

Discord: Romulator#0001
[Image: 3f6f01a904.png]
(This post was last modified: 09-22-2015, 01:03 PM by Romulator.)
09-22-2015, 12:58 PM
jens Offline
Frictional Games

Posts: 4,093
Threads: 199
Joined: Apr 2006
Reputation: 202
Solved: 8 Years, 9 Months, 1 Week ago RE: R6025: Pure virtual function call error

File integrity check on Soma on Steam as a first test. Then if that does not help, make sure to load a save from before you loaded this level.
09-22-2015, 01:13 PM
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jens Offline
Frictional Games

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Reputation: 202
Solved: 8 Years, 9 Months, 1 Week ago RE: R6025: Pure virtual function call error

Also please post the save with this crash and we can use it to hopefully reproduce.
09-22-2015, 01:13 PM
Website Find
Romulator Offline
Not Tech Support ;-)

Posts: 3,628
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Joined: Jan 2013
Reputation: 195
Solved: 8 Years, 9 Months, 1 Week ago RE: R6025: Pure virtual function call error

I'll give my drivers an update, then a file integrity check.

In the meantime, here is my most up to date save. I have uploaded it to dropbox as it appears I cannot upload it to here due to a 100kb limit on saves.


Discord: Romulator#0001
[Image: 3f6f01a904.png]
09-22-2015, 01:18 PM
Romulator Offline
Not Tech Support ;-)

Posts: 3,628
Threads: 63
Joined: Jan 2013
Reputation: 195
Solved: 8 Years, 9 Months, 1 Week ago RE: R6025: Pure virtual function call error

Pardon my double post, but would just like to say loading my save after:
  • Updating my drivers
  • A file integrity Check
  • Updating C++ x64 Runtimes (as suggested in another post)
And it did not seem to fix my latest save.
I reloaded about three or four saves back. It seems to have disappeared, so I will attempt to progress further.

I'll let you know if I get more errors about this issue further on!

Discord: Romulator#0001
[Image: 3f6f01a904.png]
(This post was last modified: 09-22-2015, 02:51 PM by Romulator.)
09-22-2015, 02:50 PM

Solved: 8 Years, 9 Months, 1 Week ago RE: R6025: Pure virtual function call error

Same issue.

Same issue.
09-23-2015, 08:36 AM

Solved: 8 Years, 9 Months, 1 Week ago RE: R6025: Pure virtual function call error

I had the same Issue just after Going in to the room labeled Maintenence where you get locked in.

.jpg   2015-09-23_00003.jpg (Size: 67.27 KB / Downloads: 433)
When I click on the talking Computer console where a plus shaped symbol appears, the game crashes and gives me that error message.

What can I do?
09-23-2015, 07:08 PM

Solved: 8 Years, 9 Months, 1 Week ago RE: R6025: Pure virtual function call error

(09-23-2015, 07:08 PM)danielmcgregor Wrote: I had the same Issue just after Going in to the room labeled Maintenence where you get locked in.

When I click on the talking Computer console where a plus shaped symbol appears, the game crashes and gives me that error message.

What can I do?

I have the same issue in the exact same place as you. I tried a new game and that didn't work so tried redownloading the game and that didn't help me either. Same problem with the R6025 Sad
09-23-2015, 07:26 PM
jens Offline
Frictional Games

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Solved: 8 Years, 9 Months, 1 Week ago RE: R6025: Pure virtual function call error

This is know and is currently worked on for patch. To workaround it while waiting load an earlier save from before you started the level it crashes in.
09-23-2015, 07:37 PM
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