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Unable to move after interacting with objects

Solved: 9 Years, 1 Week ago Unable to move after interacting with objects
After interacting with pretty much any object (and then putting it back down ofc), I'm unable to move around the environment. Q and E work to tilt the camera, but WASD and the arrow keys do nothing. If I save and exit, then load back in, I can move around again... until I interact with another object >_>

Any thoughts?
10-04-2015, 11:04 PM
jens Offline
Frictional Games

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Solved: 9 Years, 1 Week ago RE: Unable to move after interacting with objects
First I heard of something similar! What OS is this?

My best guess would be that you might have an USB device that somehow interfere with the game input. Try unplugging and see if that helps, or try another keyboard if you have.
10-05-2015, 08:00 AM
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