My opinions on your suggestions:
Lockpick is a good idea. I would like it to be a finite resource, like in Deus Ex (you have many lockpicks and they´re used up when you pick a lock, some difficult locks require more lockpicks than others). Or maybe you have just one lockpick, but you have to solve a puzzle/minigame in order to succeed (like in the Thief games).
Torch - in the videos released so far there are tinderboxes used to light things on fire.
Medicine - flammable medicine?

But yeah, some way of healing would be nice. Maybe they should get rid of the "heal over time" thing they had in Penumbra.
Having some rope that you could use to solve more than one puzzle would be cool. But I guess it would be hard to program in some of the stuff you describe.
Boards or some other way to barricade doors wuld be nice. In Penumbra, every time I put obstacles in front of a door, the obstacle would just be broken down along with the door whenever a monster bashed through it.
Building random stuff and dissassembling? I think this is hard to program and I don´t think it´s useful. I mean, I´m certain there will be items you can combine and items you can take apart (Penumbra had items like that), but it will not be random.
I don´t think resting is a good idea either. If they do allow resting, I hope it´s only part of scripted sequences. If not, I hope that there will be a chance that monsters find you when you´re sleeping ( = game over).
Distract is a good idea, but it´s already in the game I assume. You can distract enemies in Penumbra already.
Hmm... my own ideas?
I suggest that we get an advanced notebook/diary in the game. In Penumbra when you encountered an obstacle a note was scribbled like this:
- There is an obstacle here, I need to find a way around.
and then when you solved that problem, the note disappeared!
I want the note to stay and for new notes to appear when you solve puzzles. Like this:
12.13, Monday May 13th 1776. - I need a key to the door.
14.36, Friday June 27th 1777. - I found the key to the door.
so that later in the game you can review old notes!