would be nice. Though i'm better at mouse and keyboard let me state why I think this would be useful. I say this because Google results for 360 controllers on PC usually bring up gay flame wars so here here is my explanation. After going to Wal-mart and buying a cheap (expletive here

32 inch 720P TV, I wanted to hook it to my computer in my room like I have done with a PC in my living room.
Woopdy doo right? That's nothing new people do it to watched downloaded movies all the time. Well I do it to play games too. Well guess what wireless mice suck unless you buy a nice one and not a piece of (expletive here) it stinks especially range and it's cumbersome, the same goes with the keyboard. Now now, I know I can get ones meant for just that I actually looked.
Well I just happened to be going through Wally World again to get an HDMI cable. (no VGA port) I saw some Xbox 360 controllers, what caught my eye was the freaking USB extension peaking out the side of the impossible to open box "OoOhHh" then, I saw a Vista compatible logo on the back. "Man I thought you had to buy separate adapters for that.....nice!" So I bought it.
My first problem being you can't run the games in the second monitor, I found out was no problem with the Windows+P key combo and a quick click of projector only "Sweet not only can I play games on the TV but, I can keep them in the native resolution of my main monitor"
"Swweeeeeeettt" I found out a good few of my games support the 360 controller Natively like BioShock 1 and Assain's Creed just to name a few. I knew other games would require special programs like these threads witch I might just try out.
So what of it? Well for the most part I can kick back and play with a controller kind of like in my good 'ol days with my Sega CDX and N64 as well as share the fun with others, all with out juggling a cumbersome key board and mouse on your lap. One nice sleek little controller instead of a bulky keyboard in your lap to play on your TV, that's not so much to ask for is it?
Just thought I'd pitch in my 2 cents. I know there is work and coding involved to make it happen and there are deadlines. Would be cool to not have to set the extra software up to emulate keys for each game.
For those that have used games pad to play the Penumbra games how is it?
Natively? Spelling?
EDIT: side questions, When will Amnesia be available on Steam? Do you get royalties from Steam because that's where I bought my Penumbra games?