I have tried everything I can find on the Internet to get the PenumbraOvertureDemo to launch on Ubuntu Karmic 64bit, however it continues to fail with:
Quote:Initializing Sound Module
Initializing OpenAL.
Trying to open audio device... FATAL ERROR: Failed! Check your OpenAL installation
I've Googled around and read about disabling PulseAudio, but that hasn't worked. I've tried updating the libs to symlinks to my actual libs in /usr/lib but that hasn't worked.
I play many other games, and sound works perfectly fine with them:
Penny Arcade - RainSlick 1 & 2
Doom 3
Enemy Territory Quake Wars
Quake 4
However, for the life of me...I just can't seem to get PenumbraOvertureDemo to work. Can an Ubuntu Karmic 64bit user please help me out?